BRIA Nokafi, DOB February 28 2023, elbows/hips/spine: see x-rays below.

BRIA is 13 months old gorgeous looking dark sable female with outgoing and upbeat temperament. BRIA has nice conformation, strong bones and nice head. She is a type of dog with clear head and has overall balanced temperament. She was raised in a kennel and around family house and is used to be taken inside the house where she keeps clean habits. BRIA is used to children and other domestic animals. She is a type of dog that gets used to the new environment and handler quickly. BRIA is very nice with her handler and is not a dog that would bother her handler constantly. BRIA has nice and willing obedience and she can be handled by unexperience handler without any problems. BRIA has calm termperament and is suitable also for older person to handle. BRIA has nice civil aggression and her protection is fast and strong. She can bite both on sleeve and bite suit. She can be easily trained to bite real. BRIA has an excellent working pedigree full of strong working dogs many of them were used in JINOPO breeding program. BRIA is suitable as a personal protection dog, family and its property protection dog.