If you like any of these males, females or pups and you need more info you can e-mail us and we will be glad to provide you with it.
Prazskeho 637
152 00 Prague 5
Czech Republic
t: +420 724 240 359
f: +420 315 629 714
In case you are located in one of the following regions you can as well contact our friends who are happy to mediate the purchase of the dogs for your convenience.
If in the U.S. please contact Hans at:
Alpine Safety K-9
Phoenix, AZ
tel: 6233885000
email: alpinek9@yahoo.com
If in the Asia - Pacific please contact Al Reanto at:
AsoniAl Kennel
Manila, Philippines
tel: (0632)838-8916 / (0632)838-7161 /(0632)542-4914
email: asonial@hotmail.com
If in China or Taiwan please contact Eddy at: