[In alphabetical order]
Hanna I. | Lotranda | Nessi | Olivia | Zafira |
..: 2nd Bloodline :.. |
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Nessi z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1,BH-VT, IGP1, IGP2, IGP3, ZVV1, ZVV2 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Elbows,hips: a normal, DNA, DM (N/N) |
Breed Survey:1st class 5Y1/P [Reference table] |
NESSI z Jirkova dvora
NESSI z Jirkova dvora
NESSI z Jirkova dvora
NESSI z Jirkova dvora
NESSI z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of NESSI z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of NESSI z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
NESSI belongs from her sire's side (FANT z Jirkova dvora) to the 2nd bloodline namely to the working branch of former DDR dogs. This branch was founded by
ALF Nordfelsen, GUNDO vom Stoperland, GREIF v. Felsenstein, LOGAN Onyx,
EX od Schmidtu, VILMAR z Marusky, AJO Ja-Kra, CAR pod Molnosskou baňou, CORDON An-Sat, ORI z Danaru, FURO Kamos, PIKO Bret Bett, ART z Sumavske doliny, MOODY z Jirkova dvora, FANT z Jirkova dvora.
Dogs from this branch were plentifully used at z Pohranicni straze and Police breeding programs. Many of the dogs coming from these kennels were actively used for border patrol and law enfocement service.
Among their most valuable conformation traits were strength of bones, dark pigmentation and overall elegant body conformation with strong stud expression. In their temperaments they were loyal, vigilant with excellent smell.
They were able to perform 4 hours old tracks in different terrains. The dogs also excelled with their natural hardness and real protection. The dogs had strong bites coming from both prey and defence drives.
Their obedience was less willing.
From her dam's side (GAZELLA z Jirkova dvora) NESSI also belongs to the 2nd bloodline namely to the world renowned branch that was founded in Czech Republic by JAGUAR Aritar Bastet followed by PANTER Aritar Bastet, KERY Kamos Durabo, KENN Jipo Me a GAO z Jirkova dvora.
NESSI inherited from both parents strong bones, dark pigmentation, necessary hardness and willingness to work. NESSI has calm nice temperament and it is a female that is capable of top working performance and
at the same time she is able to live in the family. She completed her IGP3 title before 2 years of age and her ZVV2 title at 26 months of age.
We expect NESSI to strengthen further the working type, health and temperament of our progeny produced at JINOPO working program. The pups should also have improved ability to work at early age.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Gundo vom Stolper-Land - Greif v. Felsenstein - Logan Onyx - Ex od Schmidtu -
Vilmar z Marusky - Ajo Ja-Kra - Car pod Molnosskou banou - Cordon An-Sat - Ori z Danaru - Furo Kamos - Piko Bret Bett - ART ze Sumavske doliny - Moody z Jirkova dvora - Fant z Jirkova dvora - NESSI z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Lotranda Nokafi |
Titled: ZVV1,ZZO |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
Breed Survey:1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
Pedigree of LOTRANDA Nokafi
Pedigree of LOTRANDA Nokafi
Description of the dog
LOTRANDA belongs from her sire's (FANT z Jirkova dvora) side to the 2nd blood line namely to the former DDR working branch that was founded by ALF Nordfelsen followed by GUNDO vom Stoperland, GREIF v. Felsenstein, LOGAN Onyx, EX od Schmidtu, VILMAR z Marušky,
AJO Ja-Kra, CAR pod Molnosskou banou, CORDON An-Sat, ORI z Danaru, FURO Kamos, PIKO Bret Bett, ART z Šumavské doliny. The males originating from this branch were plentifully used at z Pohranicni straze (z PS) and Czech Police service kennels. Many of the offsprings were used
actively in the law enforcement service. The most valuable conformation traits of these dogs were bone strength, dark pigmentation and overall elegant body built with strongly developed gender expression.
They were loyal dogs, alerted with excellent scent. These dogs were able to perform over 4 hours old tracks in different environments. Furthermore these dogs excelled in hard and real protection. The dogs were biting very hard both from prey and defence drives. Their obedience was less willing.
From her dam's (HERRA Nokafi) side LOTRANDA also belongs to the 2nd blood line namely to the branch founded by FERO vom Zeuterner Himmelreich followed by TROLL v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft, SIRK v. Belchen, JAGUAR Aritar Bastet, PANTER Aritar Bastet, KERY Kámoš Durabo, IBON Jipo Me.
LOTRANDA gained from both parents required bone strength, dark pigmentation, harness and fighting drive for protection. She enjoys doing obedience. LOTRANDA's big virtue is her controllability in a way that her 9 years old handler is able to train her and also to
complete a title with her. We expect LOTRANDA to produce progeny that can be used for family protection and thanks to her tracking and protection abilities also for law enforcement purposes.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Gundo vom Stolper-Land - Greif v. Felsenstein - Logan Onyx - Ex od Schmidtu -
Vilmar z Marusky - Ajo Ja-Kra - Car pod Molnosskou banou - Cordon An-Sat - Ori z Danaru - Furo Kamos - Piko Bret Bett - ART ze Sumavske doliny - Moody z Jirkova dvora - Fant z Jirkova dvora - LOTRANDA Nokafi.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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..: 4th Bloodline :.. |
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Hanna I. z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1, BH-VT, ZZO, IGP1, IGP2, IGP3 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: ED: 0/0, HD: a fast normal, DNA, DM (N/N) |
HANNA I. z Jirkova dvora
HANNA I. z Jirkova dvora
HANNA I. z Jirkova dvora
HANNA I. z Jirkova dvora
HANNA I. z Jirkova dvora
HANNA I. z Jirkova dvora
HANNA I. z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of HANNA I. z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of HANNA I. z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of HANNA I. z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
HANNA belongs from her sire's side (BAZI von Grosspriesen) to the 4th bloodline namely to the world renowned branch - VICKO Meran, x EDDY vom Verderen Schalk x OLI v. Kartago, TYSON Schiffschlache,
BLACK-JACK v.d. Teufelskehle - HERO z Klidkova dvora - BAZI von Grosspriesen.
From her dam's side (KOTY Jipo-Me) she belongs also to the 4th bloodline namely to the branch that is also world renowned and which was in last 6 generations used and in most cases also bred and raised at JINOPO kennels.
They are GERO z Blatenského zámku, XAC z Pohraniční stráže, RENO Jipo Me, OX z Jirkova dvora, ZAKO-MAX z Jirkova dvora.
HANNA herself is a typical representative of this 4th bloodline both in type and temperament. HANNA is large and strong black sable female with huge confidence that was gained from her father BAZI v. Grossprisen.
HANNA has absolutely hard protection, excellent tracking and her training skills are on high level. Her obedience is done with will and devotion to her handler. HANNA completed in less than 2.5 years of her life
IGP3, ZVV1 and ZZO titles and has full breeding requrements and gained 1st breeding class.
We expect HANNA to produce strong, dark and healthy puppies that will be maturing early and will be suitable mainly for top sport, personal protection and law enforcement.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
Hein v. Richterbach - Chlodo vom Königsacker -
Chlodo vom Schloß Dahlhausen - Lido von der Elisabethenklause - Condor vom Mömlingtal - Wicko von Meran - Django vom Eichbottseen - Eddy vom Vorderen Schalk - Boy von Haus-Klönne -
Olix von Karthago - Tyson von der Schiffslache - Black-Jack v.d. Teufelskehle - Hero z Klidkova dvora - Bazi von Grosspriesen - HANNA I. z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Olivia z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1, BH-VT, IGP1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: ED: a normal, HD: a normal, spine: 0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
OLIVIA z Jirkova dvora
OLIVIA z Jirkova dvora
OLIVIA z Jirkova dvora
OLIVIA z Jirkova dvora
OLIVIA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of OLIVIA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of OLIVIA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of OLIVIA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
OLIVIA belongs from her sire's side (BAZI von Grosspriesen) to the 4th bloodline namely to the world renowned branch - VICKO Meran, x EDDY vom Verderen Schalk x OLI v. Kartago, TYSON Schiffschlache,
BLACK-JACK v.d. Teufelskehle - HERO z Klidkova dvora - BAZI von Grosspriesen.
From her dam's side (NYA z Jirkova dvora) she belongs also to the 4th bloodline namely to the branch that is also world renowned and which was in last 6 generations used and in most cases also bred and raised at JINOPO kennels.
They are GERO z Blatenského zámku, XAC z Pohraniční stráže, RENO Jipo Me, OX z Jirkova dvora, ZAKO-MAX z Jirkova dvora.
OLIVIA's type and character makes her typical specimen of individual representing 4th bloodline. OLIVIA is large strong black sable female with strong bones, beautiful strong head and feminine expression that
she inherited from her mother. OLIVIA is self confident female with balanced temperament and clear head. She is capable of working performance as well as she is capable to live inside the family. This makes
her an ideal working partner. OLIVIA has very nice willing obedience. OLIVIA's protection is strong with calm bites and she has big prey drive.
We expect that OLIVIA will produce strong progeny with dark pigmentation, strong bones and strong health.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
Hein v. Richterbach - Chlodo vom Königsacker -
Chlodo vom Schloß Dahlhausen - Lido von der Elisabethenklause - Condor vom Mömlingtal - Wicko von Meran - Django vom Eichbottseen - Eddy vom Vorderen Schalk - Boy von Haus-Klönne -
Olix von Karthago - Tyson von der Schiffslache - Black-Jack v.d. Teufelskehle - Hero z Klidkova dvora - Bazi von Grosspriesen - OLIVIA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Zafira Nokafi |
Titled: ZVV1, ZVV2, BH-VT, IGP1, IGP2, IGP3 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5CVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: ED: 0/0, HD: 0/0, spine: 0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
Pedigree of ZAFIRA Nokafi
Pedigree of ZAFIRA Nokafi
Pedigree of ZAFIRA Nokafi
Description of the dog
ZAFIRA belongs after her sire (XARTTO z Jirkova dvora) to the 4th bloodline namely to the branch founded by UTZ v. Haus Schutting and this branch is represented
at JINOPO from the very beginning via GERO z Blatenskeho zamku, XAC z Pohranicni straze, RENO Jipo Me, OX z Jirkova dvora, ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora over to XARTTO z Jirkova dvora.
From her dam's side (GABA spod Sipskej Fatry) she belongs to the 5th bloodline founded by famous DDR dog INGO v.d. Rudingen and this side of the pedigree contains wide range of very hard and succesful dog.
ZAFIRA herself is a large and strong female with gorgeous dark sable pigmentation, beautiful feminine expression and very strong chest and overall strong bones. ZAFIRA is a hard uncompromising female
with lot of energy that loves to work with her handler.
ZAFIFA has very nice and willing obedience. Her protection is very hard, fast and real. ZAFIRA is a self confident female with balanced temperament and clear head.
We expect ZAFIRA to pass her qualities onto her progeny and will produce strong dark and healthy puppies.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Ox z Jirkova dvora - Zako Max z Jirkova dvora - Xartto z Jirkova dvora - Zafira Nokafi.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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