[In alphabetical order]
Akira | Alma | Antabus | Astra | Atta | Bara | Bestie | Bina | Blacky | Bona | Borka |
Bria | Bryta | Bugatti | Channy | Chyta | Cindy | Cita | Cooki |
Dada | Dali | Darka | Drinna | Alex | Chasinta | Chayma | Chery | Cira | Cita | Cony |
Darra | Ebbzy | Egira Venus | Elektra | Emina | Epy | Erra |
Fiba | Fista | Gaba | Gabi |
Galina | Gama | Gama 1 | Gari |
Gazella | Gera | Giga | Gina | Haki | Hanach |
Henesee | Herra | Hety | Holy | Ikea |
Illy | Ingrid | Inka |
Ipa | Jadet | Jaika |
Kaisa | Kama | Kara | Kasia | Ketty | Koty |
Lanna | Lassty |
Lea | Lena | Lika | Manka |
Marge | Masa | Mina | Nissa | Noka | Nora |
Nufi | Nya | Ofelie | | Orina II |
Orka | Ossi | Para | Prefa | Puci | Qverri | Rena | Riki | Rosa | Rossi | Sheila | Sura |
Tana | Tina | Uli | Ulrike |
Umma | Ussy | Uva | Vanessa | Varna | Viki | Voxxi | Walli | Wara | Wren | Xadella | Xena |
Xiita | Yassi Funny | Ynusa | Yora | Yska | Yuca | Yzabel | Zakira | Zanda | Zina | Zuni | Zuza |
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Zanda Nokafi |
Titled: ZVV1, ZVV2, BH-VT |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5VQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: ED: 0/0, HD: 0/0, spine: 0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
Pedigree of ZANDA NOKAFI
Pedigree of ZANDA NOKAFI
Pedigree of ZANDA NOKAFI
Description of the dog
ZANDA belongs from her sire's side (BAZI von Grosspriesen) to the 4th bloodline namely to the world renowned branch - VICKO Meran, x EDDY vom Verderen Schalk x OLI v. Kartago, TYSON Schiffschlache,
BLACK-JACK v.d. Teufelskehle - HERO z Klidkova dvora - BAZI von Grosspriesen.
From her dam's side (KORA z Velkooseckych zahrad) she belongs also to the 2nd bloodline namely to the branch that comes from world renowned former DDR dogs from which the most used ones in the Czech breeding programs were
LOGAN Onyx, EX od Schmidtu, VILMAR z Marusky, AJO Ja-Kra, CAR pod Molnosskou banou, CORDON An-Sat, ORI z Danaru, FURO Kamos, PIKO Bret Bett, ART ze Sumavske doliny, MOODY z Jirkova dvora. Most of these ancestors excelled with their working abilities,
gorgeous black sable color that combined with very nice body conformation. Yet CAR, CORDON, ORI, FURO, MOODY were widely used at the Police and z Pohranicni straze kennels in the former Czechoslovakia.
ZANDA herself is gorgeous dark sable female with calm balanced temperament that is however always ready to work as well as she can rest when needed. ZANDA is a self confident female that has no problem
with new environment and changes. She is a normal social dog that in case of need is able to protect her owner. ZANDA has very nice obedience that she happily performs with great willingness.
ZANDA's protection is very confident and fast. Her bites are full and strong. ZANDA is a type of female that is able to protect her territory and is able to bite real.
We expect ZANDA to produce strong, healthy progeny with nice dark pigmentation and strong health that will be suitable for personal protection, law enforcement as well as family protection.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
Hein v. Richterbach - Chlodo vom Königsacker -
Chlodo vom Schloß Dahlhausen - Lido von der Elisabethenklause - Condor vom Mömlingtal - Wicko von Meran - Django vom Eichbottseen - Eddy vom Vorderen Schalk - Boy von Haus-Klönne -
Olix von Karthago - Tyson von der Schiffslache - Black-Jack v.d. Teufelskehle - Hero z Klidkova dvora - Bazi von Grosspriesen - ZANDA Nokafi.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Illy Nokafi |
Titled: ZVV1, BH VT |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
ILLY Nokafi
ILLY Nokafi
ILLY Nokafi
ILLY Nokafi
ILLY Nokafi
ILLY Nokafi
ILLY Nokafi
Pedigree of ILLY Nokafi
Pedigree of ILLY Nokafi
Pedigree of ILLY Nokafi
Description of the dog
ILLY belongs from her sire's side (ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora) to the 4th bloodline namely to the working branch founded by world renowned dog GERO z Blatenskeho zamku followed by XAC z Pohranicni straze, RENO Jipo Me,
OX z Jirkova dvora and ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora.
From her dam's side (IWONA z Jirkova dvora) she belongs to the world famous 5th bloodline of former DDR that was founded by INGO v. Rudingen, ORI v. Haus Antwerpa, GRINGO v.d. Mohnwiese, CHARIK Galan Nalag, SCHARON Favory Cross, IWONA z Jirkova dvora.
ILLY herself continues rather in the type of the 4th bloodline from where she gained strong bones, strong head, black sable pigmentation and great working drives that relate to protection. She also loves scent work.
The progeny of ILLY can be used for law enforcement work and also as a personal/femaily protection dogs.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Ox z Jirkova dvora - Zako Max z Jirkova dvora - ILLY Nokafi.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Uli Nokafi |
Titled: ZVV1, BH-VT, IGP1, IGP2, IGP3 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5VQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: ED: 1/1, HD: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
ULI Nokafi
ULI Nokafi
ULI Nokafi
ULI Nokafi
ULI Nokafi
ULI Nokafi
ULI Nokafi
Pedigree of ULI Nokafi
Pedigree of ULI Nokafi
Pedigree of ULI Nokafi
Description of the dog
ULI belongs from her sire's side BAZI von Grosspriesen to the 4th blood line namely to the world renowned branch - VICKO Meran, x EDDY vom Verderen Schalk x OLI v. Kartago, TYSON Schiffschlache,
BLACK-JACK v.d. Teufelskehle - HERO z Klidkova dvora - BAZI von Grosspriesen.
From her dam's side (MINA Nokafi) she belongs to the 2nd blood line namely to the world renowned working line founded by famous dog FERO vom Zeuterner Himmelreich. FERO's blood is contained in 90% of
pedigrees of dogs originating in West Europe that compete in world top IPO/IGP competitions. Among known dogs from this bloodline used at JINOPO breeding program were A'BRUNO pod Blanikem, KERY Kamos Dubabo, PANTER Aritar Bastet, JAGUAR Aritar Bastet.
ULI herself is in the type of her mother MINA Nokafi and temperamentwise she is a perfect combination of both of her father and mother. She is a self confident strong black sable female of strong body
frame with significantly wide chest and strong head. ULI is a female with very willing working temperament. She is a devoted obedience, willing and nice tracking and very hard an fast protection with
strong bites. ULI in less than 2 years of her age (!!!) completed breeding requirements and completed IGP3 title (!!!) and was evaluated 1st breeding class (!!!).
We expect that ULI will produce strong, dark pigmented and healthy puppies with early maturity that will be mainly suitable for top sport, personal protection and law enforcement work.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
Hein v. Richterbach - Chlodo vom Königsacker -
Chlodo vom Schloß Dahlhausen - Lido von der Elisabethenklause - Condor vom Mömlingtal - Wicko von Meran - Django vom Eichbottseen - Eddy vom Vorderen Schalk - Boy von Haus-Klönne -
Olix von Karthago - Tyson von der Schiffslache - Black-Jack v.d. Teufelskehle - Hero z Klidkova dvora - Bazi von Grosspriesen - ULI Nokafi.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Jaika z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1, ZZO |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
Breed Survey:1st class 5JVQ1/P [Reference table] |
JAIKA z Jirkova dvora
JAIKA z Jirkova dvora
JAIKA z Jirkova dvora
JAIKA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of JAIKA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of JAIKA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
JAIKA belongs from her sire's side to the 2nd blood line. Her father MOODY z Jirkova dvora belongs to the branch originating in former DDR and the following dogs where used in the Czech breeding programs:
LOGAN Onyx, EX od Schmidtu, VILMAR z Marusky, AJO Ja-Kra, CAR pod Molnosskou banou, CORDON An-Sat, ORI z Danaru, FURO Kamos, PIKO Bret Bett, ART ze Sumavske doliny. Most of these ancestors excelled with their working drives, gorgeous black sable
color and very nice body conformation. CAR, CORDON, ORI and FURO were plentifully used in the breeding programs of Police and Pohranicni straze kennels.
From her dam's side (DADA z Jirkova dvora) she belongs to the 4th blood line that generated JAGO Jipo Me the dog that competed at WUSV World Championship. This branch has been used at JIPOPO for a long time and it was founded by legendary GERO z Blatenskeho zamku,
followed by XAC z Pohranicni straze, RENO Jipo Me and JAGO Jipo Me.
JAIKA herself is carrying dark sable color, strong bones, easy trainability and willingness to work. We expect her to give her progeny her conformation, dark pigmentation and dark sable color. Because of her easy controllability her progeny will be suitable
for family protection, personal protection and hard S&R work.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Gundo vom Stolper-Land - Greif v. Felsenstein - Logan Onyx - Ex od Schmidtu -
Vilmar z Marusky - Ajo Ja-Kra - Car pod Molnosskou banou - Cordon An-Sat - Ori z Danaru - Furo Kamos - Piko Bret Bett - ART ze Sumavske doliny - Moody z Jirkova dvora - JAIKA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Gaba spod Sipskej Fatry
Titled: ZVV1,BH-VT, IGP1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
GABA spod Sipskej Fatry
GABA spod Sipskej Fatry
GABA spod Sipskej Fatry
GABA spod Sipskej Fatry
Pedigree of GABA spod Sipskej Fatry
Pedigree of GABA spod Sipskej Fatry
Pedigree of GABA spod Sipskej Fatry
Description of the dog
GABA belongs from her sire's (HULK Tompera) side to the 5th bloodline namely to the branch founded by famous DDR dog INGO v.d. Rudingen followed by TOM, ELLUTE, ZAR v.d. Schiffslache. Her father HULK actively served as a police K9 dog.
From her dam's (CERA spod Sipskej Fatry) side she belongs to te 6th bloodline founded by famous stud dog UTZ v. Haus Schutting.
GABA herself is a hard and energetic female that loves to work with her handler. From her sire she inherited willingness and speed for work with required hardness. GABA is a passionate retriever with fast and precise obedience. Her protection is hard and real.
Her bites are calm and strong. Her prey and defence drives are balanced and high. We expect GABA to bring hardness, speed and refreshment of our blood base.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Ellute v.d. Mohnwiese - Zar v.d. Schiffslache - Henk von Gut Korten - Hulk Tompera - Gaba spod Sipskej Fatry.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Nya z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
NYA z Jirkova dvora
NYA z Jirkova dvora
NYA z Jirkova dvora
NYA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of NYA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of NYA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
NYA belongs from her sire's side (ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora) to the 4th bloodline namely to the working branch founded by world renowned GERO z Blatenskeho zamku followed by XAC z Pohranicni straze, RENO Jipo-Me, OX z Jirkova dvora
and ZAKO-MAX z Jirkova dvora.
From her dam's side (AKIRA von Haus Antverpa) she also belongs to the 4th bloodline represented by JAGO Jipo-Me - competitor at WUSV World Championship. This branch is widely present at many dogs originating from JINOPO breeding program and this branch was also fouded
by legendary GERO z Blatenskeho zamku.
NYA inherited from her father ZAKO-MAX z Jirkova dvora and grandfathers OX z Jirkova dvora and JAGO Jipo Me imposing black sable color. She represents strength, strong bones and elegant conformation of working dogs.
With regards to her blood lines we expect NYA to produce progeny with her conformation type, color, temperament and mainly strong health. We expect her progeny to be suitable for family and personal protection.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Ox z Jirkova dvora - Zako Max z Jirkova dvora - NYA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Mina Nokafi |
Titled: ZVV1,IGP1,BH-VT,IGP-V |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Elbows,hips: ED: 1/0, HD: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
Breed Survey:1st class 5Y1/P [Reference table] |
MINA Nokafi
MINA Nokafi
MINA Nokafi
MINA Nokafi
MINA Nokafi
Pedigree of MINA Nokafi
Pedigree of MINA Nokafi
Description of the dog
MINA belongs after her father A'BRUNO pod Blanikem to the 2nd bloodline originating from working branch founded by FERO vom Zeuterner Himmlereich. FERO is present in the pedigree of 90% of West European dogs competing
at top international IPO3 events.
The mother of MINA - ILLY Nokafi belongs to the 4th bloodline namely to the working branch founded by world renowned stud GERO z Blatenskeho zamku followed by XAC z Pohranicni straze, RENO Jipo Me, OX z Jirkova dvora and ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora.
MINA herself is a very hard female with great willingness to work. Her virtue is a strong protection with calm full bites and high prey drive. She is a switch on/off type of female. She is an excellent working female and yet she is able to live in a family with
children. We expect MINA to produce progeny with perfect conformation, strong bones and large heads. Pups will be suitable for versatile use ranging from sport to law enforcement to family protection.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - Kery Kamos Durabo - A'Bruno pod Blanikem - MINA Nokafi.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Bina z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
Breed Survey:1st class 5Y1/P [Reference table] |
BINA z Jirkova dvora
BINA z Jirkova dvora
BINA z Jirkova dvora
BINA z Jirkova dvora
BINA z Jirkova dvora
BINA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of BINA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of BINA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of BINA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
BINA belongs from her sire's and dam's sides to the 2nd bloodline. The branch of sire's (MOODY z Jirkova dvora) line comes from the world renowned DDR dogs. Among mostly used dogs coming from this line in the
Czech breeding programs were LOGAN Onyx, EX od Schmidtu, VILMAR z Marusky, AJO Ja-Kra, CAR pod Molnosskou banou, CORDON An-Sat, ORI z Danaru, FURO Kamos, PIKO Bret Bett, ART ze Sumavske doliny.
Most of these dogs excelled in working ability, gorgeous black sable color that completed itself with very nice body confirmation. Some of the dogs such as CAR, CORDON, ORI and FURO were widely used in breeding programs of Police and z Pohranicni straze kennels.
From her dam's (HALINA z Velkooseckych zahrad) side she belongs to the 2nd bloodline mainly from KERY Kamos Durabo that has in his ancestors representatives of 3rd bloodline via XERO z PS and GRIM z PS.
We expect BINA to strengthen vitality, working drives and improve pigmentation of our progeny.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Gundo vom Stolper-Land - Greif v. Felsenstein - Logan Onyx - Ex od Schmidtu -
Vilmar z Marusky - Ajo Ja-Kra - Car pod Molnosskou banou - Cordon An-Sat - Ori z Danaru - Furo Kamos - Piko Bret Bett - ART ze Sumavske doliny - Moody z Jirkova dvora - BINA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Antabus z Prestavlckeho lesa
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5VQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
ANTABUS z Prestavlckeho lesa
ANTABUS z Prestavlckeho lesa
ANTABUS z Prestavlckeho lesa
ANTABUS z Prestavlckeho lesa
ANTABUS z Prestavlckeho lesa
Pedigree of ANTABUS z Prestavlckeho lesa
Pedigree of ANTABUS z Prestavlckeho lesa
Pedigree of ANTABUS z Prestavlckeho lesa
Description of the dog
ANTABUS (call name ANTSCHA) belongs from her sire's line (YUKON Favory Cross) to the 1st bloodline namely to the branch founded by the son of HORAND - HEKTOR von Schwaben and she has in her pedigree world renowned Universalsieger JAVIR vom Talka Marda followed by
KERN Galan Nalag, GRIM Suche Lazce and YUKON Favory Cross.
From her dam's side (PICKWICK Hexer) ANTABUS carries genetical equipment of combination between 2nd and 5th bloodline from dogs PANTER Aritar Bastet, KERY Kamos-Durabo, KENN Jipo-Me.
ANTABUS inherited from her ancestors very nice conformation with imposing dark sable pigmentation and excellent dark eye color. Her virtues are strong and vigorous bites and endurance in her home and also unknown environment.
ANTABUS is a great asset to JINOPO breeding program. We expect her to produce progeny with nice conformation, strong health, sport temperament and also characteritic to please her handler anywhere and anytime.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Hektor von Schwaben - Beowulf (SZ10) früher Beowulf Sonnenberg bezw. Wolf - Jokel von Schwetzingen - Rolf von Karolingen - Orto vom Simplon - Alex von Hänni - Nero von der Heide - Rex du Chatelot -
Hektor vom Schachengrund - Cerno von der Achensmühle - Claudius vom Hain - Edo vom Gehrdener Berg - Arno vom Haus Gersie - Valet vom Busecker Schloss - Gildo vom Busecker Schloss - Rocco vom Stahlhammer -
Kerry vom Stahlhammer - Ari vom Neffeltal - Cliff vom Wolfendobel - Erko vom Eisfeld - Marc vom Herkulesblick - Dago vom Schwarzen Pegasus - Javir vom Talka Marda - Kern Galan Nalag - Grim Suche Lazce - Yukon Favory Cross - ANTABUS z Prestavlckeho lesa.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Gazella z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: BH-VT, FPr1,FPr2, SPR1,IGP-V, ZVV1,ZVV2 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
Breed Survey:1st class 5JVQ1/P [Reference table] |
GAZELLA z Jirkova dvora
GAZELLA z Jirkova dvora
GAZELLA z Jirkova dvora
GAZELLA z Jirkova dvora
GAZELLA z Jirkova dvora
GAZELLA z Jirkova dvora
GAZELLA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of GAZELLA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of GAZELLA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
GAZELLA belongs from her sire's side (GAO z Jirkova dvora) to the 2nd blood line namely to the world renowned branch that was founded in the Czech Republic by JAGUAR Aritar Bastet followed by PANTER Aritar Bastet, KERY Kamos Durabo,
KENN Jipo Me and GAO z Jirkova dvora.
From her dam's side (ZUZA z Jirkova dvora) she belongs to the 4th blood line namely to the world renowed branch founded in the Czech Republic by GERO z Blatenskeho zamku followed by XAC z Pohranicni straze, RENO Jipo Me, OX z Jirkova dvora and ZUZA z Jirkova dvora.
GAZELLA herself inherited from both of these lines the strength of the bones, black sable color, necessary hardness and very good trainability. All her working titles were completed by the age of 2 years.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - Kery Kamos Durabo - Kenn Jipo Me - Gao z Jirkova dvora - GAZELLA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Elektra Weerdon
Titled: SVV1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5YJ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Pedigree of ELEKTRA Weerdon
Pedigree of ELEKTRA Weerdon
Description of the dog
ELEKTRA belongs from her sire's die (MERLIN Ad-Gur) to the 1st bloodline namely to the branch founded by the son of HORAND - HEKTOR von Schwaben and she has in her pedigree world renowned Universalsieger JAVIR vom Talka Marda.
From her dam's side (INNA z Michalkinej zahrady) she belongs to the 5th bloodline namely to the branch founded by legendary INGO von Rudingen from former DDR, followed by TOM, VITO, XANTO vom Weinbergblick.
ELEKTRA herself is a beautifully conformed female with huge appetite for any kind of work. Her main virtue is her very hard protection. We expect ELECTRA to give JINOPO progeny with gorgeous conformation and mainly strong health.
The progeny will be suitable for sport and also hard service work. At the same time they will be great family members.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Hektor von Schwaben - Beowulf (SZ10) früher Beowulf Sonnenberg bezw. Wolf - Jokel von Schwetzingen - Rolf von Karolingen - Orto vom Simplon - Alex von Hänni - Nero von der Heide - Rex du Chatelot -
Hektor vom Schachengrund - Cerno von der Achensmühle - Claudius vom Hain - Edo vom Gehrdener Berg - Arno vom Haus Gersie - Valet vom Busecker Schloss - Gildo vom Busecker Schloss - Rocco vom Stahlhammer -
Kerry vom Stahlhammer - Ari vom Neffeltal - Cliff vom Wolfendobel - Erko vom Eisfeld - Marc vom Herkulesblick - Dago vom Schwarzen Pegasus - Javir vom Talka Marda - Grosso vom Bonauer Wald - Merlin Ad-Gur - ELEKTRA Weerdon.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Egira Venus Vlci udoli |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
EGIRA VENUS Vlci udoli
EGIRA VENUS Vlci udoli
EGIRA VENUS Vlci udoli
EGIRA VENUS Vlci udoli
EGIRA VENUS Vlci udoli
EGIRA VENUS Vlci udoli
EGIRA VENUS Vlci udoli
EGIRA VENUS Vlci udoli
Pedigree of EGIRA VENUS Vlci udoli
Pedigree of EGIRA VENUS Vlci udoli
Pedigree of EGIRA VENUS Vlci udoli
Description of the dog
EGIRA is one of the daughters of ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora thus belonging to the 4th bloodline. From this bloodline she inherited strong bones, strong head, very attractive black sable color and last but not least great willingness
to work with her handler.
From her mother's side she belongs to the 4th bloodline of UTZ vom Haus Schutting. From EGIRA's progeny we expect natural suspicion towards strangers and fighting drive usable for personal and property protection and at the sme time balanced temperament for
life in the family and protection of the family.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Ox z Jirkova dvora - Zako Max z Jirkova dvora - EGIRA VENUS Vlci udoli.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Kama Nokafi |
Titled: BH-VT, ZVV1 |
Show: vyborna (excellent) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
Breed Survey: 7JVQ1/P [Reference table] |
KAMA Nokafi
KAMA Nokafi
KAMA Nokafi
KAMA Nokafi
KAMA Nokafi
KAMA Nokafi
KAMA Nokafi
KAMA Nokafi
KAMA Nokafi
Pedigree of KAMA Nokafi
Pedigree of KAMA Nokafi
Pedigree of KAMA Nokafi
Description of the dog
KAMA belongs from her sire's side (GAO z Jirkova dvora) to the 2nd bloodline that was in Czech Republic founded by JAGUAR Aritar Bastet followed by PANTER Aritar Bastet, KERY Kamos Durabo, KENN Jipo Me a GAO z Jirkova dvora.
From her dam's side (HERRA Nokafi) also to the 2nd bloodline that was founded by FERO vom Zeuterner Himmelreich, TROL v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft, SIRK v. Belchen, JAGUAR Aritar Bastet, PANTER Aritar Bastet, KERY Kámoš Durabo, IBON Jipo Me.
From her ancestors KAMA inherited required bone strength, intense black sable color, necessary hardness and very good trainability.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - Kery Kamos Durabo - Kenn Jipo Me - Gao z Jirkova dvora - KAMA Nokafi.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Koty Jipo Me |
Titled: ZVV2, BH-VT |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JQV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
KOTY Jipo Me
KOTY Jipo Me
KOTY Jipo Me
KOTY Jipo Me
KOTY Jipo Me
KOTY Jipo Me
Pedigree of KOTY Jipo Me
Pedigree of KOTY Jipo Me
Description of the dog
KOTY is one of the daughters of ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora thus belonging to the 4th bloodline. From this bloodline she inherited strong bones, strong head, very attractive black sable color and last but not least great willingness
to work with her handler.
From her mother BORKA Jipo Me she belongs to the 5th bloodline namely to the working branch of former DDR that was founded by INGO v. Rudingen. She inherited speed and precision from her mother's side.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Ox z Jirkova dvora - Zako Max z Jirkova dvora - KOTY Jipo Me.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Kaisa z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: BH-VT, ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
Breed Survey:1st class 5JUVQ1/P [Reference table] |
KAISA z Jirkova dvora
KAISA z Jirkova dvora
KAISA z Jirkova dvora
KAISA z Jirkova dvora
KAISA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of KAISA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of KAISA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
KAISA belongs from her sire's (ZOOB z Jirkova dvora) and dam's (JADET z Perigonu) sides to the 2nd bloodline. Namely to the working branch founded by SIRK v. Belchen followed by AGUAR Aritar Bastet, CHARI z Esagilu,
CARO z Jirkova dvora a ZOOB z Jirkova dvora. From her dam's side with following alteration JAGUAR Aritar Bastet, PANTER Aritar Bastet, KERY Kamoš Durábo a JADET z Pegironu.
KAISA has inherited from her ancestors mainly excellent working drives to work with her hander, strong health and dark sable color. KAISA is a female that is able to protect her family and property. At the same time she can work as S&R dog.
Her obedience is fast and willing. Her protection is strong and her tracking is accurate.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Chari z Esagilu - CARO z Jirkova dvora - Zoob z Jirkova dvora - KAISA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Herra Nokafi |
Titled: BH-VT, ZVV1 |
Show: vyborna (excellent) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey:1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
HERRA Nokafi
HERRA Nokafi
HERRA Nokafi
HERRA Nokafi
HERRA Nokafi
HERRA Nokafi
Pedigree of HERRA Nokafi
Pedigree of HERRA Nokafi
Pedigree of HERRA Nokafi
Description of the dog
HERRA belongs from her sire's side (IBON Jipo Me) to the 2nd bloodlinne founded by FERO v. Zeuterner Himmelreich followed by TROLL v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft, SIRK v. Belchen, JAGUAR Aritar Bastet, PANTER Aritar Bastet, KERY Kamos Durabo,
IBON Jipo Me.
From her dam's side (SONADOR Latika Traho) she belongs to the 4th bloodline founded in Czech Republic by GERO z Blatenskeho zamku, XAC z Pohranicni straze and RENO Jipo Me.
From both of her parents' lines she inherited required bone strength, pigmentation, harness and fight drive for protection, easy trainability for obedience and balanced drives. Her progeny is suitable mainly for family protection and personal protection.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - KERY Kamos Durabo - IBON Jipo Me - HERRA Nokafi.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Bestie Palomino Bonito |
Titled: ZVV1, ZVV2 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Elbows,hips: ED: 0/1, HD: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey:1st class 5JY1/P [Reference table] |
BESTIE Palomino Bonito
BESTIE Palomino Bonito
BESTIE Palomino Bonito
BESTIE Palomino Bonito
BESTIE Palomino Bonito
Pedigree of BESTIE Palomino Bonito
Pedigree of BESTIE Palomino Bonito
Description of the dog
BESTIE belongs from her sire's side (IBON Jipo ME) to the 2nd bloodline namely to the branch founded by famous FERO v.d. Zeuterner Himmelreich followed by JAGUAR Aritar Bastet, PANTER Aritar Bastet, KERY Kamos Durabo and
IBON Jipo Me. From her dam's side (BONNY-LEE Savona Dero) she belongs to the 4th bloodline namely to the branch used at JINOPO founded by GERO z Blatenskeho zamku, XAC z Pohranicni straze, RENO Jipo Me, WUSV competitor JAGO Jipo Me.
However majority of her ancestors originates in the 2nd bloodline from both East and West Germany.
BESTIE is very nice, elegant, strong female with very good working temperament. She is easily controlled, loves tracking and has very good protection. BESTIE is a female with balanced drives and great willingness to work for her handler.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - KERY Kamos Durabo - IBON Jipo Me - BESTIE Palomino Bonito.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Bugatti Dameal Bohemia
Titled: IGP3, ZVV1, ZZO |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
BUGATTI Dameal Bohemia
BUGATTI Dameal Bohemia
BUGATTI Dameal Bohemia
BUGATTI Dameal Bohemia
BUGATTI Dameal Bohemia
BUGATTI Dameal Bohemia
Pedigree of BUGATTI Dameal Bohemia
Pedigree of BUGATTI Dameal Bohemia
Description of the dog
BUGATTI belonds from her sire's side (COUDY z Udoli Upy) to the 5th bloodline namely to the branch founded by famous DDR dog INGO v.d. Rudingen followed by TOM, ELLUTE, ZAR v.d. Schiffslache.
From her dam's side she belongs to the 2nd bloodline namely to the branch founded by legendary FERRO v.d. Zeuternerhimmel Reich.
BUGATTI herself is tall, strong, energetic and hard female that loves working with her handler. Her strong part is her protection, her bites are strong and calm and her vigour is strong.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Ellute v.d. Mohnwiese - Zar v.d. Schiffslache - Coudy z Udoli Upy - Bugatti Dameal Bohemia.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Ebbzy z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV2 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: ED:0/0, HD: 1/1, DNA |
EBBZY z Jirkova dvora
EBBZY z Jirkova dvora
EBBZY z Jirkova dvora
EBBZY z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of EBBZY z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of EBBZY z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
EBBZY belongs from her sire's side to the 4th bloodline namely to its world renowned branch via VICKO Meran, x EDDY vom Verderen Schalk x OLI v. Kartago, TYSON Schiffschlache, KAYO v.d. Mainaiche a VAIT z Daskonu.
From her dam's side she also belongs to the 4th bloodline namely to its also famous branch via MIX z Basileje, DANTES Clark, DAX Namelev, OMAR z Blatenského zámku, GERO z Blatenského zámku, XAC z Pohranièní stráže, RENO Jipo Me,
OX z Jirkova dvora.
EBBZY herself is a typical and characteristic representative of this bloodline. She is a hard protection dog, good tracking dog and the level of her trainability is very high. Before she reached 2 years she already completed ZVV2 title and immediately was shown
at Intermediate Class and was able to obtain 1st class at her breed survey.
We expect that EBBZY will produce strong, dark and healthy pupppies with suitability for top sport and law enforcement.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
Hein v. Richterbach - Chlodo vom Königsacker -
Chlodo vom Schloß Dahlhausen - Lido von der Elisabethenklause - Condor vom Mömlingtal - Wicko von Meran - Django vom Eichbottseen - Eddy vom Vorderen Schalk - Boy von Haus-Klönne - Olix von Karthago - Tyson von der Schiffslache - Kayo von der Maineiche -Vait z Daskonu - EBBZY z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Ipa Nokafi |
Titled: ZMT, ZVV1, ZVV2 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: HD Fast Normal, ED Normal, DNA |
IPA Nokafi
IPA Nokafi
IPA Nokafi
IPA Nokafi
IPA Nokafi
IPA Nokafi
Pedigree of IPA Nokafi
Pedigree of IPA Nokafi
Description of the dog
IPA belongs from her sire's side (ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora) to the 4th bloodline namely to the working branch founded by world renowned dog GERO z Blatenskeho zamku followed by XAC z Pohranicni straze, RENO Jipo Me,
OX z Jirkova dvora and ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora.
From her dam's side (IWONA z Jirkova dvora) she belongs to the world famous 5th bloodline of former DDR that was founded by INGO v. Rudingen, ORI v. Haus Antwerpa, GRINGO v.d. Mohnwiese, CHARIK Galan Nalag, SCHARON Favory Cross, IWONA z Jirkova dvora.
IPA herself continues rather in the type of the 4th bloodline from where she gained strong bones, strong head, black sable pigmentation and great working drives that relate to protection. She also loves scent work.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Ox z Jirkova dvora - Zako Max z Jirkova dvora - IPA Nokafi.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Darra z Labskeho privozu |
Titled: ZVV1, ZVV2, IPO1, IPO2, IGP3, FPR1, FPR2, FPR3, ZPS1, FH1, FH2 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey:1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
DARRA z Labskeho privozu
DARRA z Labskeho privozu
DARRA z Labskeho privozu
DARRA z Labskeho privozu
Pedigree of DARRA z Labskeho privozu
Pedigree of DARRA z Labskeho privozu
Description of the dog
DARRA belongs from her sire's side (IBON Jipo Me) to the 2nd blood line namely to the world renowned branch founded by FERO vom Zeuterner Himmelreich, TROL v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft, SIRK v. Belchen, JAGUAR Aritar Bastet,
PANTER Aritar Bastet, KERY Kamos Durabo, IBON Jipo Me.
From her dam's side (COLA Lost Ilusion) DARRA belongs to the 5th bloodline namely to the world renowned DDR branch founded by INGO v. Rudingen, HELD v. Ritterberg, BERO Friedersdorfer Flur, LIDO jamirex, GARUG Cega a FERO Policia.
From both bloodlines she inherited strong bones, strong nerves and dark pigmentation. DARRA is a female with good social behavior that is well controlled with balanced drives. Her progeny will be mainly suitable for family protection, personal protection
and hard law enforcement work.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - KERY Kamos Durabo - IBON Jipo Me - DARRA z Labskeho privozu.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Cita z Golha |
Titled: ZVV1,ZVV2,ZVV3 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey:1st class 5JY1/P [Reference table] |
CITA z Golha
CITA z Golha
Pedigree of CITA z Golha
Pedigree of CITA z Golha
Description of the dog
CITA belongs from her sire's side (MOODY z Jirkova dvora) and her dam's side (XERA z Golha) to the 2nd blood line, namely to the former DDR branches from which wide range of service dogs originate.
The sire's line of CITA was brought to former Czechoslovakia via GREIF Felsenstein, followed by LOGAN Onyx, EX od Schmidtu, Vilmar z Marusky, AJO Ja-Kra, CAR pod Molnosskou banou, CORDON An Sat, ORI z Danaru, FURO Kamos, PIKO Bret Bett, ART ze Sumavske doliny
and MOODY z Jirkova dvora. The branch of her mother was founded by MUTZ v.d. Pelztierfarm followed by CATO Amicos, FEDO Quercus, BARO v Kreutschauer Land, QUANTO Jipo Me, ZEN z Jirkova dvora.
CITA inherited from her ancestors strong bones, strong health, easy trainability and willingness to do tracking, obedience and protection.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Gundo vom Stolper-Land - Greif v. Felsenstein - Logan Onyx - Ex od Schmidtu -
Vilmar z Marusky - Ajo Ja-Kra - Car pod Molnosskou banou - Cordon An-Sat - Ori z Danaru - Furo Kamos - Piko Bret Bett - ART ze Sumavske doliny - Moody z Jirkova dvora - CITA z Golha.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Cooki z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey:1st class 5JVQ1/P [Reference table] |
COOKI z Jirkova dvora
COOKI z Jirkova dvora
COOKI z Jirkova dvora
COOKI z Jirkova dvora
COOKI z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of COOKI z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of COOKI z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
COOKI belongs from her sire IBON Jipo Me to the 2nd bloodline originating from the branch via JAGUAR Aritar Bastet, PANTER Aritar Bastet, KERY Kamos Durabo, IBON Jipo Me. From her father she inherited required hardness for
protection, her sable color and overall looks.
From her dam's side (EPY z Jirkova dvora) she also belongs to the 2nd bloodline namely via BARO v. Kreutzschauer Land, QUANTO Jipo Me, PARD z Jirkova dvora, EPY z Jirkova dvora. Her mother EPY is a mother of quite a few dogs that were used in JINOPO breeding
program including ZOOB z Jirkova dvora, CADET z Jirkova dvora and NOX z Jirkova dvora. EPY is also mother of our upcoming female BARBARA LEX z Jirkova dvora and ESTA z Jirkova dvora. What is interesting is that she gave all these offsprings with different fathers.
Therefore we can expect that COOKI will also be a strong mother with big heredity.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - KERY Kamos Durabo - IBON Jipo Me - COOKI z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Orina II z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1, ZVV2, ZVV3, BH-VT,IGP1,IGP2,IGP3, SPR3, ZPS1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JVQ1/P[Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
ORINA II z Jirkova dvora
ORINA II z Jirkova dvora
ORINA II z Jirkova dvora
ORINA II z Jirkova dvora
ORINA II z Jirkova dvora
ORINA II z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of ORINA II z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of ORINA II z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
ORINA is yet another succesful daughter of our stud dog ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora, thus belonging to the 4th sire's blood line. From her father ORINA inherited black sable color, energy, easy trainability and excellent working drives.
From her mother KARA z Jirkova dvora she belongs to the 2nd bloodline that is at JINOPO represented especially by KERY Kamos Durabo. Her grandmother DALI z Jirkova dvora carries blood of world renown stud dog DARGO Ha-Ja-Da.
The pedigree of ORINA consists of all purely Czech working dogs. All her titles were earned by ORINA till her 2 years of age.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Ox z Jirkova dvora - Zako Max z Jirkova dvora - ORINA II z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Lanna z Jirkova dvora
Titled: ZVV2 |
Show: velmi dobra (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
LANNA z Jirkova dvora
LANNA z Jirkova dvora
LANNA z Jirkova dvora
LANNA z Jirkova dvora
LANNA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of LANNA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of LANNA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
LANNA belongs from her sire's side (SHARON Favory Cross) to the 5th blood line. Namely to the world renowned former DDR branch founded by stud dog INGO v. Rudingen continued further by ORY v. Haus Antverpa, TOM van Leefdaalhof, GRINGO v.d. Mohnwiese,
CHARIK Galan Nalag. All these dogs competed the World WUSV Championship!!!!
From her dam's side (ALMA z Podbrdskeho kraje) she belongs to the 3rd blood line. Namely to the branch founded by WUSV competitor ENO v. Haus Schucker, X, X, X, X further continued by world renowned GRIM z Pohranicni straze also WUSV competitor dog himself.
Other significant dogs in her pedigree originating from this line are DARGO Ha-Ja-Da, national IPO3 competition dog and ATILA z Kociciho dvora, national competition dog and MSKS competition dog.
LANNA resembles with her type dogs coming from her mother's side. Her temperament, switch on and off ability was inherited from competing ancestors from both parents' sides. LANNA herself is very willing to work type of female with excellent traits for tracking, obedience and protection.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Gringo v.d. Mohnwiese - Charik Galan Nalag - Sharon Favory Cross - Lanna z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Yassi Funny z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P[Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
YASSI FUNNY z Jirkova dvora
YASSI FUNNY z Jirkova dvora
YASSI FUNNY z Jirkova dvora
YASSI FUNNY z Jirkova dvora
YASSI FUNNY z Jirkova dvora
YASSI FUNNY z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of YASSI FUNNY z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of YASSI FUNNY z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
YASSI belongs from her sire's side (ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora) to the 4th bloodline namely to the world renowned branch that was founded in the Czech republic by GERO z Blatenskeho zamku followed by
XAC z Pohranicni straze, RENO Jipo-Me, OX z Jirkova dvora and ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora.
From her dam's side (FISTA Jipo-Me) she belongs to the 5th bloodline, namely to the branch founded by INGO v. Rudingen continued by ORI v. Haus Antverpa, TOM van t'Lefdaalhof, VITO vom Waldwinkel, BADY ze Svobodného dvora a FISTA Jipo-Me.
YASSI was sold as a puppy and returned to JINOPO completely untrained at the age of 3 years. Within 2 months of her training by us she received ZVV1 title and completed x-rays, DNA and show. YASSI is a female with strong territorial behavior that
learns everything fast and well.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Ox z Jirkova dvora - Zako Max z Jirkova dvora - YASSI FUNNY z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Lassty z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1, ZVV2 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class JVQ1/P[Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
LASSTY z Jirkova dvora
LASSTY z Jirkova dvora
LASSTY z Jirkova dvora
LASSTY z Jirkova dvora
LASSTY z Jirkova dvora
LASSTY z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of LASSTY z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of LASSTY z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
LASSTY belongs from her sire's side (ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora) to the 4th bloodline, namely to the Czech branch founded by GERO z Blatenskeho zamku (one of the hardest dog of my carreer) followed by XAC z Pohranicni straze,
RENO Jipo Me, OX z Jirkova dvora and ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora
From her dam's side (SURA z Jirkova dvora) she also belongs to the 4th bloodline and also to the same Czech branch founded by GERO z Blatenskeho zamku followed by XAC z Pohranicni straze, RENO Jipo Me, JAGO Jipo Me and SURA z Jirkova dvora.
LASSTY is a true representant of this bloodline as far as conformation and temperaments sides are concerned. She is black sable elegant female with great working drives that is ready to do any type of work with never ending energy and sometimes with bit of stubbornness.
She loves tracking and her tracks are done with passion and precision at the same time. Her obedience is also done with passion. Her protection is real and uncompromising. She has hard bites.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Ox z Jirkova dvora - Zako Max z Jirkova dvora - LASSTY z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Borka Jipo Me
Titled: ZVV1, BH, IPO3 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5Y1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: ED: 0/0, HD: 1/1, DNA |
BORKA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of BORKA Jipo Me
Pedigree of BORKA Jipo Me
Description of the dog
BORKA belongs from her sire's side to the 5th bloodline namely former DDR branch that was founded by INGO v. Rudingen and was continued by VITO v Waldwinkel, BADY ze Svobodneho dvora and BILL Jipo Me.
From her dam's side she belongs to the 2nd bloodline namely to the branch founded by legendary FERO v. Zeuternerhimmelreich and was continued by SIRK. Belchen, JAGUAR Aritar Bastet, PANTER Aritar Bastet, KERY Kamos Durabo, KASIA Jipo Me.
BORKA's working origin is reflected in her temperament. She is a female that can be easily trained and is very willing to do any type of work.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Vito v. Waldwinkel - Bady ze Svobodneho dvora - Bill Jipo Me - Borka Jipo Me.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Umma z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV2 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
UMMA z Jirkova dvora
UMMA z Jirkova dvora
UMMA z Jirkova dvora
UMMA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of UMMA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of UMMA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
UMMA belongs from her sire's side (BILL Jipo ME) to the 5th blood line namely to the world renowned branch founded by famous stud from former DDR - INGO von Rudingen followed by ORI v. Haus Antverpa, TOM van Leefdaalhof, VITO v. Waldwinkel, BADY
ze Svobodneho dvora, BILL Jipo Me.
From her dam's side UMMA belongs to the 2nd blood line namely to the famous branch founded by excellent FERO v.d. Zeuternerhimmelreich followed by SIRK v. Belchen, JAGUAR Aritar Bastet, PANTER Aritar Bastet, TANA z Jirkova dvora.
Both of these bloodlines are focused on producing dogs for top sport. .
Apart from these ancestors in UMMA's pedigree she has also range of real dogs used at service at former z Pohranicni straze kennel and police (BALI Panta Rei, NORBO Ben Ju, XERO z Pohranièní stráže, XAC z Pohranièní stráže, GERO z Blatenského zámku).
UMMA is large, strong female with very good working temperament. She has balanced prey and defence drives. In obedience she is easily handled and her obedience is willing. Tracks are done with confidence and precision. Her protection is real.
In our breeding program we will focus on breeding her with other dogs coming from former DDR. We believe that UMMA will produce very nice, strong and healthy progeny.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Vito v. Waldwinkel - Bady ze Svobodneho dvora - Bill Jipo Me - UMMA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Dada z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: BH (Lithuania), BH (Czech), IPO1, IPO2, IPO3 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: ED: 0/0, HD: 1/1, DNA |
DADA z Jirkova dvora
DADA z Jirkova dvora
DADA z Jirkova dvora
DADA z Jirkova dvora
DADA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of DADA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of DADA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
DADA z Jirkova dvora belongs from her sire's side to the 4th blood line namely to the working line founded by GERO z Blatenskeho zamku followed by XAC z Pohranicni straze, RENO Jipo Me, JAGO Jipo Me and ARAM Tufra.
From her dam's side she belongs to the 3rd blood line namely to the Czech branch founded by world renowned GRIM z Pohranicni straze followed by DARGO Ha Ja Da, XANT z Jirkova dvora and LEA z Jirkova dvora.
DADA inherited from her parents strong bones, dark sable color and strong health. DADA is very easy to train with. She has extremely high willingness to please her handler and she tries to do everything on 100% to satisfy her handler. Her tracking is
done with big willingness and precision. When working on long distance and hard surface tracks she is able to work till complete exhaustion. Her obedience is done with complete willingness and it's done fast and with precision. In protection
she has full and hard bites and she bites with great strength.
DADA is owned by Egle Ragauskaite from Lithuania and is borrowed by kennel z Jirkova dvora to be used in our breeding program.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Jago Jipo Me - DADA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Jadet z Pegironu |
Titled: ZVV1, IPO1, BH |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
JADET z Perigonu
JADET z Perigonu
JADET z Perigonu
JADET z Perigonu
Pedigree of JADET z Perigonu
Pedigree of JADET z Perigonu
Description of the dog
JADET belongs from her sire's side (KERY Kamos Durabo) to the 2nd bloodline. She inherited from her father not only his type but also his temperament. JADET is a female with high intelligence level that has a swich on/swich off
capabilities. She is calm in her kennel but when she's brought out she immediately able to work on full power. At the same time she has a clear head and is confident in any situation. She is good on any type of surface and she loves to play with ball. For ball as reward
she's able to perform most of her training is obedience and tracking. JADET has hard and fast protection. She is able to bite inside the buildings as well as outside.
From her dam's side (EIMI z Perigonu) she belongs to the 5th bloodline namely via INGO v. Rudingen - world renowned former DDR dog. Her working abilities are strengthened also from this side. Her mother, grand mother and great grand mother are dogs with full range of working
titles. Also other ancestors from her mother's side took part in World Championships and other competitions.
We expect JADET to produce healthy, versatile and dark colored progeny.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - Kery Kamos Durabo - JADET z Perigonu.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Xadella z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: BH, IPO1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5Y1/P [Reference table] |
XADELLA z Jirkova dvora
XADELLA z Jirkova dvora
XADELLA z Jirkova dvora
XADELLA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of XADELLA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of XADELLA z Jirkova dvora
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - Kery Kamos Durabo - XADELLA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Akira von Haus Antverpa |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
AKIRA von Haus Antverpa
AKIRA von Haus Antverpa
AKIRA von Haus Antverpa
AKIRA von Haus Antverpa
Pedigree of AKIRA von Haus Antverpa
Description of the dog
AKIRA belongs from both her sire's (JAGO Jipo Me) and her dam's (DINA vom Muldenschloesschen) to the 4th bloodline which is represented mostly by individuals that excel in strong protection, strong bones and hardness also to
their handler. AKIRA has good social behavior, lots of energy and strong health.
Her obedience is good, she often requires timely praise. Her protection is very good. Bites are mostly based on her defence drive. Her tracking is exact and focused.
We expect AKIRA to produce healthy, dark pigmented and nicely anatomicaly conformed progeny with natural hard and confident temperaments along with preservation of strong heath.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Jago Jipo Me - AKIRA von Haus Antverpa.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Zuni z Jirkova dvora
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobra (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5X1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
ZUNI z Jirkova dvora
ZUNI z Jirkova dvora
ZUNI z Jirkova dvora
ZUNI z Jirkova dvora
ZUNI z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of ZUNI z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of ZUNI z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
ZUNI belongs after her father JACK DANIELS z Neiberku to the 5th blood line namely to the DDR branch founded by stud dog ALI vom Graenert, DRUSUS vom Falkenwappen, GREIF vom Baruther Land, CAESAR vom Ragental,
BACK Samotar, EDY z Dunajova sadu, KLEN SNB, JEFF z Daskonu, HON z Pohranicni straze.
From her mother PREFA z Jirkova dvora she belongs to the 2nd bloodline namely to the branch founded by stud dog ALF vom Nordfelsen, AXEL v.d. Pelztierfarm, MUTZ Peltztierfarm, JONNY v.d. Rheinhalle, JUP v.d. Haller Farm, Canto v. Amicos, FEDO Querkus,
ZORRO v.d. Wildsau, BARO v.d. Kreutzschauer Land, QUANTO Jipo Me a ZEN z Jirkova dvora.
ZUNI herself is strong and firm female with balanced temperament that has great interest in balls, tracking and obedience. Her protection is real. ZUNI is a female with vitalized blood that will produce strong puppies with wide range of use.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Gränert - Barry vom Andershofer Ufer - Drusus vom Falkenwappen - Geier vom Baruther Land -
Bodo vom Winkel - Caesar vom Rangetal - Back Samotar - Edy z Dunajova sadu - Klen SNB - Jeff z Daskonu - Hon z Pohranicni straze - Jack Daniels z Neiberku - Zuni z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Voxxi Jipo Me
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5VQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
VOXXI z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of VOXXI Jipo Me
Pedigree of VOXXI Jipo Me
Description of the dog
VOXXI belongs from her sire's side to the 5th bloodlines namely to the branch founded by world renowned INGO v. Rudingen. INGO's blood was imported to the Czech Republic via VITO v. Waldwinkel and his sons BADY ze Svobodneho dvora and further BILL Jipo Me.
VOXXI is fully in the type of her father. As far as temperament VOXXI is easily controllable female that does everything so she can please her handler.
From her dam's side (GINA Jipo Me) VOXXI belongs also to the 5th bloodline. This time to the West German Branch founded by NATZ von Tegelhouse, TASK v. Haus Milinda, BALTAZAR Galan Nalag.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Vito v. Waldwinkel - Bady ze Svobodneho dvora - Bill Jipo Me - Voxxi Jipo Me.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Yzabel z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: IPO3, BH |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey:1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
YZABEL z Jirkova dvora
YZABEL z Jirkova dvora
YZABEL z Jirkova dvora
YZABEL z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of YZABEL z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of YZABEL z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
YZABEL belongs from her sire KERY Kamos Durabo's side to the 2nd blood line namely to the famous working branch founded by FERO euterner Himmelreich, TROLL v.d. Bosennachbarschaft, ALY vom Vordersteinwald, SIRK v. Belchen,
JAGUAR Aritar Bastet, PANTER Aritar Bastet. YZABEL represents this line not only by her character but also by her type.
From her dam SURA z Jirkova dvora's side she belongs to the 4th blood line. From this line she inherited endurance and hardness. YZABEL herself has very high defence and prey drives. She is a passionate retriever and her whole training was based on a ball as a
reward. She loves to track and her obedience is fast and willing. Her protection has necessary strenght, speed and hardness.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - KERY Kamos Durabo - YZABEL z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Atta Adnaf |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JY1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
ATTA Adnaf
ATTA Adnaf
ATTA Adnaf
ATTA Adnaf
Pedigree of ATTA Adnaf
Pedigree of ATTA Adnaf
Description of the dog
ATTA belongs from her sire's side to the 5th bloodline, namely to the former DDR branch founded by INGO v. Rudingen, HELD vom Ritterberg, KASS vom Furstendamm, MARKO z Blatenskeho zámku, AKR SNB, ADIR z Pohranièní stráže,
QUINT z Daskonu, LUCA ze Støíbrného kamene, KIR MIS Jasoko. Most of these dogs were significant working dogs.
From her dam's side she also belongs to the 5th bloodline namely to the former DDR branch from INGO v. Rudingen, HELD v. Ritterberg, QUINT vom Baruther Land, HENK vom Woltersee, CLIFF vom Ostend, ODIN a.d. Konighshoehle, IIKO a.d. Konigshoehle, CHULIGAN Katerko.
ATTA herself is a selfconfident female that is a one mad dog. The handler that gained her heart can be sure that he will have female that loves to work for him without any limits. Her another potential handler has to first bond with her properly before she will
accept him/her. This characteristic feature is slowly diminishing from nowadays GSD type and GSD is slowly becoming hunt dog and not a dog for house and owner's protection. ATTA's protection is real. She bites 50% from defence and 50% from prey drive.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Held v. Ritterberg - Kass v. Fursterdamm - Marko z Blatenskeho zamku - Akr SNB - Adir z Pohranicni straze - Quint z Daskonu - Luca ze Stribrneho kamene - Kir Mis Jakoso ATTA Adnaf.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Walli Jipo Me |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good), winner of the class |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Pedigree of WALLI Jipo Me
Pedigree of WALLI Jipo Me
Description of the dog
WALLI belongs from her sire's (KENN Jipo Me) side to the 2nd bloodline founded by HETEL v. Uckermark namely to the branch founded by FERO v. Zeuterner Himmelreich, SIRK v. Belchen, JAGUAR Aritar Bastet,
PANTER Aritar Bastet, KERY Kamos Durabo, KENN Jipo Me.
From her dam's side (ZAKIRA Jipo Me) she belongs to the 5th bloodline, namely to the DDR branch founded by INGO v. Rudingen, ORI v. Haus Antverpa, TOM van t'Leefdaalhof, VITO v. Waldwinkel, BADY ze Svobodneho dvora and ZAKIRA Jipo Me. This line carries
very good working blood of dogs that often competed at WUSV World Championships and similar events.
WALLI herself is a strong and large female with lots of energy that is interested in any kind of work. She is a very promising brood female that should pass her strength, hardness and high working drives onto her progeny.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - Kery Kamos Durabo - Kenn Jipo Me - WALLI Jipo Me.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Ussy z Dvorakova sadu |
Titled: ZVV1, IPO1, BH, ZOP |
Show: velmi dobra (very good) |
Elbows,hips: ED:0/0, HD: 1/1, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5Y1/P [Reference table] |
USSY z Dvorakova sadu
USSY z Dvorakova sadu
USSY z Dvorakova sadu
USSY z Dvorakova sadu
Pedigree of USSY z Dvorakova sadu
Pedigree of USSY z Dvorakova sadu
Description of the dog
USSY belongs from her sire's side (DOOR Krokodyli farma) to the 2nd bloodline. From her dam's side she belongs to the 3rd bloodline. Both lines carry significant working dogs such as FERO, SIRK, ERGO. All three where
competing at WUSV World Championship. Both lines also carry blood of XANT, DARGO and GRIM. All these three were competing at National Championships. GRIM also at WUSV World Championship.
USSY herself is hard female with great endurance and willingness to do all three phases (tracking, obedience, protection). She is tireless female and very passionate retriever. USSY's temperament is very balanced. She is a typical switch on/off dog. Ready to work/ready to rest dog.
USSY with her type, blood and temperament is fully in accordance with dogs bred at JINOPO.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - ERGO Hartis Bohemia - DOORS Krokodyli farama - USSY z Dvorakova sadu.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Yora z Jirkova dvora
Titled: BH, IPO3 |
Show: velmi dobra (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
YORA z Jirkova dvora
YORA z Jirkova dvora
YORA z Jirkova dvora
YORA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of YORA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of YORA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
YORA belongs from her sire's side (SHARON Favory Cross) to the 5th blood line. She comes from famous training branch of former DDR - INGO v. Rudingen, X, X, X TOM van t'Leefdaalhof. From her dam's side (MANKA z Jirkova dvora) she belongs to the 2nd blood line.
From both parents YORA inherited nice type of working dog and excellent training skills. Her IPO3 title was completed when YORA was only 2 years old. It is important to stretch that YORA is not a modern type of crazy sport dog. Her nerves are strong, her behavior is
confident in every situation and every environment. We expect YORA to produce healthy and strong progeny with the working drives for any type of training.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Gringo v.d. Mohnwiese - Charik Galan Nalag - Sharon Favory Cross - Yora z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Gama Nokafi
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
GAMA Nokafi
GAMA Nokafi
GAMA Nokafi
GAMA Nokafi
GAMA Nokafi
Pedigree of GAMA Nokafi
Pedigree of GAMA Nokafi
Description of the dog
GAMA belongs from her sire SHARON Favory Cross's side to the 5th blood line namely to the famous working line founded by INGO v. Rudingen, ORI v. Haus Antverpa, TOM van t'Leefdaalhof, GRINGO v.d. Mohnwiese, CHARIK Galan Nalag,
SHARON Favory Cross.
From her dam SONADOR Latika Traho's side she belongs to the 4th blood line via GERO z Blatenskeho zamku, XAC z Pohranicni straze, RENO Jipo-Me.
GAMA herself inherited from her sire's side willingness and speed for work with necessary hardness. These traits are intensified by her affiliation to the 4th blood line from her dam's side. GAMA is a passionate retriever with fast and exact obedience.
Her protection is hard and real. Her prey and defence drives are balanced and strong.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Gringo v.d. Mohnwiese - Charik Galan Nalag - Sharon Favory Cross - Gama Nokafi.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Marge z Esagilu
Titled: SVV1 |
Show: velmi dobra (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV5/45P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
MARGE z Esagilu
MARGE z Esagilu
MARGE z Esagilu
MARGE z Esagilu
Pedigree of MARGE z Esagilu
Pedigree of MARGE z Esagilu
Pedigree of MARGE z Esagilu
Pedigree of MARGE z Esagilu
Description of the dog
MARGE belongs from her sire's side (LUCA vom alten Schemel) to the 5th bloodline founded by world renowned former DDR stud INGO v. Rudingen followed by JEFF v. Flamings-Sand, LORD vom Gleisdreieck, MANTo v. Kahlenbach, VOX v.d. Kine,
MAC v.d. Kine, LUCA v. alten Schemel. This branch is remarkable for strong bones, normal pigmentation and hard protection work.
From her dam's side (AXE Blady) she belongs to the 2nd bloodline namely to the branch founded by FERO v. Zeuterner Himmelreich, TROL v.d. Bosen Nachbarschaft, YOSCHY v.d. Dolenwiese, AMIGO v. Baceller See, EICK v.d. Bergerhochburg, DANA Axe Blady.
these dogs are known to be very hard protection dogs with on/off switch. They are dogs that can rest and then immediately perform at full capacity.
MARGE inherited genes from both sides of her pedigree. She is not only elegent female but also hard and real protection dog. Her obedience is fast and willing. Her tracking is fantastic.
We believe that MARGE will enrich gene pool of JINOPO by so desired DDR blood. We expect strong, healthy, intelligent and dark pigmented puppies in combination with our stud dogs.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt v. Bad Melle - Ali v. Granert - Muck aus der Völkerstamm - Bero vom Krügershof -
Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax v. Haus Holland - Ingo v. Rudingen - Jeff v. Flamings-Sand - Lord v. Gleisdreieck - Manto v. Kahlenbach - Vox von der Kine - Mac von der Kine - Luca vom Alten Schemel - Marge z Esagilu.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Kasia Jipo me |
Titled: IPO2, ZVV1, ZPO1 |
Show: velmi dobra (very good) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey:1st class 5JVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Pedigree of KASIA Jipo Me
Pedigree of KASIA Jipo Me
Description of the dog
KASIA belongs to the 2nd bloodline via her father and to the 5th bloodline via her mother. She is a product of 5-5-4 inline breeding on GRIM z Pohranicni straze.
KASIA is a female with strong bones, dark pigmentation and very nice working type. In her temperament she will very willing to work with her handler, she inserts her temperament into the each individual training excercise.
We expect very strong, healthy progeny with versatile working usability.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - KERY Kamos Durabo - KASIA Jipo Me.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Zuza z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborna (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 5CV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
ZUZA z Jirkova dvora
ZUZA z Jirkova dvora
ZUZA z Jirkova dvora
ZUZA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of ZUZA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of ZUZA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
ZUZA is correctly large and strong female with black sable pigmentation. From her sire's side (OX z Jirkova dvora) she belongs to the 4th blood line namely to the very well known branch of GERO z
Blatenskeho zamku, XAC z Pohranicni straze and RENO Jipo Me. From her dam's side (LEA z Jirkova dvora) she belongs to the 3rd bloodline namely tot he world renown branch via GRIM z Pohranicni straze, DARGO Ha-Ja-Da, XANT z Jirkova dvora.
Among other significant dogs in her pedigree are MAMBO z Pohranicni straze, JUP z Jirkova dvora and NORBO Ben-Ju.
These ancestors patricipated in creation of ZUZA's temperament. ZUZA is independent female with good ball drive and very strong protection. She also likes to track and she loves obedience based on ball.
We expect that ZUZA will pass her type, color, health and temperament onto her progeny at JINOPO breeding program.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Ox z Jirkova dvora - ZUZA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Ofelie z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV2 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5KX1/P [Reference table] |
OFELIE z Jirkova dvora
OFELIE z Jirkova dvora
OFELIE z Jirkova dvora
OFELIE z Jirkova dvora
OFELIE z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of OFELIE z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of OFELIE z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
OFELIE comes from the 2nd bloodline from both her sire's (ORION z Jirkova dvora) and dam's (YNUSA z Jirkova dvora) sides. She is in line strengthened 3-3 on QUANTO Jipo Me and 3-4 on PLUTO z Pohranicni straze (z PS).
Thanks to this combination her bone strength and head strength have been reinforced. OFELIE is a female with high temperament and high working drives. She finished her ZVV2 title before her 2 years of age. Her strongest phase is a protection. Her bites are
very strong in any kind of environment. She loves to do obedience and protection as well. We expect OFELIE to produce puppies with strong bones, traits for personal and family protection. Also dogs for law enforcement and top sport.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - HELD v. Haus Elkemann - Axel v. d. Pelztierfarm -
MUTZ v.d.Pelztierfarm - Jonny v. d. Rheinhalle - Jupp v. d. Haller Farm - Canto v. Amicos - Fedo Quercus -
Zorro v. d. Wildsau - Baro v. Kreutzschauer Land - Quanto Jipo-Me - Zen z Jirkova dvora - Orion z Jirkova dvora OFELIE z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Qverri Jipo Me |
Titled: ZVV1, BH |
Show: velmi dobry (very good), winner of the class |
Elbows,hips: ED:0/0, HD: 1/1, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Pedigree of QVERRI Jipo Me
Pedigree of QVERRI Jipo Me
Description of the dog
QVERRI belongs from her sire KERY Kamos Durabo's side to the 2nd bloodline namely world renowned branch via the following ancestors SIRK Belchen, JAGUAR Aritar Bastet, PANTER Aritar Bastet. From her dam's side she
belongs to the 5th bloodline namely world renowned branch via INGO v. Rudingen pøes TOM, VITO, Bady ze Svobodneho dvora. As far as her type she resembles more likely her sire's line. As far as her temperament goes she is a balanced and easily controllable
female with good protection. However she is a female with genetically strong working potential that will produce progeny with valuable working traits.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - Kery Kamos Durabo - QVERRI Jipo Me.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Erra od Roubenky |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey:1st class 5JY1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
ERRA od Roubenky
ERRA od Roubenky
ERRA od Roubenky
ERRA od Roubenky
ERRA od Roubenky
Pedigree of ERRA od Roubenky
Pedigree of ERRA od Roubenky
Description of the dog
ERRA belongs to the 4th bloodline from her sire's side (OX z Jirkova dvora) and to the 3rd bloodline from her dam's side (PALOMA od Roubenky). Among her most significant ancestors in her pedigree belong OX, RENO, XAC, GERO, DARGO, GRIM, QUASY,
ILLO, JEF a KLEN. From these ancestors she inherited natural territorial guarding, natural suspicion combined with active protection towards strangers. This temperament trait is very valuable considering that hardly any current GSD has it!!!
Apart from this she's easily controllable with good social behavior in daily situations. Her protection is completely natural and real. She also has a sensitive nose for tracking. At the moment she's completed ZVV1 title. The plan is to title her ZVV2 in spring 2013.
As a first breeding partner we selected KERRY Kamos Durabo. This breeding will be strenghtened on significant dog FERO v. Zeuterner Himmelreich and on GRIM z PS at the same time. We expect solid black nicely conformed, healthy progeny with excellent temperaments.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Ox z Jirkova dvora - Erra od Roubenky.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Rossi Jipo Me
Titled: BH, ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
ROSSI z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of ROSSI Jipo Me
Pedigree of ROSSI Jipo Me
Description of the dog
ROSSI belongs from her sire's side (SHARON Favory Cross) to the 5th blood line. She comes from famous training branch of former DDR - INGO v. Rudingen, X, X, X TOM van t'Leefdaalhof. From her dam's side (BLACKY Jipo Me) she also belongs to the 5th bloodline and
she is a product of in line breeding 5-5 on TOM. ROSSI is as far as type and temperament very close to her father SHARON. ROSSI is a balanced female with strong prey drive.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Gringo v.d. Mohnwiese - Charik Galan Nalag - Sharon Favory Cross - Rossi Jipo Me.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Prefa z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborna (excellent) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JX2/P [Reference table] |
PREFA z Jirkova dvora
PREFA z Jirkova dvora
PREFA z Jirkova dvora
PREFA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of PREFA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of PREFA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
PREFA belongs from her sire's side ZEN z Jirkova dvora to the 2nd blood line via world renowned branch founded by MUTZ v.d. Petztierfarm, JONY v.d. Rheinhalle, X, X, FEDOR Querkus, X, BARO v. Kreutzschauer Land, QUANTO Jipo-Me, ZEN z Jirkova dora.
From her dam's side she also belongs to the 2nd blood line also from the branch of MUTZ v.d. Peltztierfarm, JONY v.d. Rheinhalle, X, DAX v.d. Wienerau, X, CELLO v.d. Romerau, EROS v.d. Luisienstrasse, HUPPY v. Arlet, X, DUX de Curatro Flores, CARRY Sandau Bohemia.
PREFA is a product of combination of working and show bloodlines of Germany.
PREFA has strong nerves, very good and balanced temperament, very good social behavior, strong health. She is environmentaly strong and gets used to the new environment and handler easily.
In the the future we plan to breed her to working dogs coming from the 2nd bloodline. We expect PREFA to produce healthy puppies with good dominance, self confidence, required hardness but with calmer temperament and with the use as family protection dogs.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - HELD v. Haus Elkemann - Axel v. d. Pelztierfarm -
MUTZ v.d.Pelztierfarm - Jonny v. d. Rheinhalle - Jupp v. d. Haller Farm - Canto v. Amicos - Fedo Quercus -
Zorro v. d. Wildsau - Baro v. Kreutzschauer Land - Quanto Jipo-Me - Zen z Jirkova dvora - PREFA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Nufi z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV2 |
Show: velmi dobra (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5U1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
NUFI z Jirkova dvora
NUFI z Jirkova dvora
NUFI z Jirkova dvora
NUFI z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of NUFI z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of NUFI z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
NUFI belongs from both her sire's (DASK z Jirkova dvora) and dam's (CHYTA z Jirkova dvora) sides to the 5th bloodline. From her parents and grandparents she inherited strong temperament, real hardness but at the same time
excellent trainability. She loves all working phases. The ZVV1 title was completed when NUFI was 18 months old with the result of 89/95/98 points. Her protection os real, very fast, powerful with strong bites. We expect that NUFI will produce healthy and
strong progeny with great working potential. The pups should be great prospects for law enforcement, personal protection and top sport.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Sero v. Haus Antverpa - Hanibal Eqidius - Carly Policia Slovakia - Dask z Jirkova dvora - NUFI z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Gabi Jirysu-Bohemia
Titled: ZVV2 |
Show: velmi dobra (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5CV1/N [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
GABI Jirysu-Bohemia
GABI Jirysu-Bohemia
GABI Jirysu-Bohemia
Pedigree of GABI Jirysu-Bohemia
Pedigree of GABI Jirysu-Bohemia
Description of the dog
GABI belongs via her father BADY ze Svobodneho dvora to the 5th bloodline from her sire's side namely to the world renowned branch of INGO v. Rudingen, ORI v. Haus Antverpa, QERRY v. Haus Antverpa, TOM van t Leefdalhof, VITO v. Waldwinkel.
Also from her dam's side she belongs to the 5th bloodline and she is in line strengthened 3:4 on Tom van t Leefdalhof.
The mother of GABI - SALLY Favory Cross comes from a very succesfull litter where all her brothers and sisters are healthy and majority of them has competed or is competing at top level competitions.
GABI is also a female that could be a dream dog for every trainer. She does all her disciplines willingly and with full effort. We believe that she will pass her working drives and health onto her progeny. For her first partner we chose NICK z Jirkova dvora
who completed 6 working titles by the age of 22 months.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Vito v. Waldwinkel - Bady ze Svobodneho dvora - Gabi Jirysu-Bohemia.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Emina z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1, BH, FPr1, ZZO |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
EMINA z Jirkova dvora
EMINA z Jirkova dvora
EMINA z Jirkova dvora
EMINA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of EMINA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of EMINA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
EMINA belongs to the 2nd bloodline from her sire's side EX z Jirkova dvora and she carries blood of world-renowned working branch that is abundantly used also in law enforcement service - CAR po Molnosskou banou, CORDON An-At, ORI z Danaru, FURO Kamos, EX z Jirkova dvora.
From her dam's side she belongs to the 3rd bloodline via world-renowned dog GRIM z Pohranicni straze and also Czech Republic National Competitors - DARGO Ha-Ja-Da, ATILA z Koèièího dvora. For these reasons we can classify her as a female with old Czech blood.
EMINA herself is a hard female that is environmentally strong and that loves doing her protection and tracking.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Gundo vom Stolper-Land - Greif v. Felsenstein - Logan Onyx - Ex od Schmidtu -
Vilmar z Marusky - Ajo Ja-Kra - Car pod Molnosskou banou - Cordon An-Sat - Ori z Danaru - Furo Kamos - Piko Bret Bett - Ex z Jirkova dvora - EMINA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Sura z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
SURA z Jirkova dvora
SURA z Jirkova dvora
SURA z Jirkova dvora
SURA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of SURA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of SURA z Jirkova dvora
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Jago Jipo Me - SURA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Epy z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JY1/P [Reference table] |
EPY z Jirkova dvora
EPY z Jirkova dvora
EPY z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of EPY z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of EPY z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
EPY belongs to the 2nd blood line from her sire's side. EPY is a very nice imposing female with strong head, strong bones and excellent drives. EPY is full of energy with natural suspicion towards strangers. EPY is a very territorial female. She is a
very passionate retriever, very good tracking dog and real protection dog. From her dam's side she belongs to the 5th bloodline via world renowned dogs PLUTO z Pohranicni straze, CHULIGAN z Pohranicni straze, EMIL z Pohranicni straze and VOLF z Pohranicni straze.
This means that she has in her pedigree large number of dogs coming from former DDR (East Germany) and Old Czech blood. We expect that EPY will improve health and conformation of our progeny.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - HELD v. Haus Elkemann - Axel v. d. Pelztierfarm -
MUTZ v.d.Pelztierfarm - Jonny v. d. Rheinhalle - Jupp v. d. Haller Farm - Canto v. Amicos - Fedo Quercus -
Zorro v. d. Wildsau - Baro v. Kreutzschauer Land - Quanto Jipo-Me - Pard z Jirkova dvora - EPY z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Kara z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5VQ1/P [Reference table] |
KARA z Jirkova dvora
KARA z Jirkova dvora
KARA z Jirkova dvora
KARA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of KARA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of KARA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
KARA belongs to the 2nd blood line from her sire's side. It is one of the most frequently branches competing at WUSV World Championships, namely branch of FERO v. Zeuterner Himmelreich. From her dam's line she belongs via her
mother DALI z Jirkova dvora to the 3rd bloodline namely via world renowned training line of GRIM z Pohranicni straze. At the same time she is inline strengthened 3:3 on FURO Kamos, which is 2nd blood line.
It can be said about KARA that she made full use of the blood of her parents. KARA is a female with high energy level, great tracking traits, excellent obedience and protection. KARA has temperament and conformation traits of a dog that is ideal for top sport.
Alternatively for hard work of special police dog.
- pedigree
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - Kery Kamos Durabo - KARA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Xiita z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborna (excellent) |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JVQ1/P [Reference table] |
XIITA z Jirkova dvora
XIITA z Jirkova dvora
XIITA z Jirkova dvora
XIITA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of XIITA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of XIITA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
XIITA belongs from her father's side (ORION z Jirkova dvora) to the 2nd bloodline from world renowned working branch via MUTZ v.d. Pelztierfarm, JONY v.d. Rheinhalle, JUP v.d. Haller Farm, CANTO v. Amikos, FEDOR Querkus, ZORO
v.d. Wildsau, BARO v. Kretuschauer Land, QUANTO Jipo Me, ZEN z Jirkova dvora a ORION z Jirkova dvora.
From her mother's side (TANA z Jirkova dvora) she also belongs to the 2nd bloodline namely to the working branch represented by FERO v. Yeuternerhimmel Reich, SIRK v. Belchen, JAGUAR Aritar Bastet, PANTER Aritar Bastet.
XIITA has standard size and strength and is elegantly conformed with very good expression and gorgeous black sable color. XIITA is a very persistant female with great working drives. Her most favourite phase is a protection. She is able to also bite real without
any protection sleeve and/or other protection aids. Her behavior is confident in any situation and she is a normal social dog.
- pedigree
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - HELD v. Haus Elkemann - Axel v. d. Pelztierfarm -
MUTZ v.d.Pelztierfarm - Jonny v. d. Rheinhalle - Jupp v. d. Haller Farm - Canto v. Amicos - Fedo Quercus -
Zorro v. d. Wildsau - Baro v. Kreutzschauer Land - Quanto Jipo-Me - Zen z Jirkova dvora - Orion z Jirkova dvora - XIITA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Fista Jipo-Me |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Pedigree of FISTA Jipo Me
Pedigree of FISTA Jipo Me
Description of the dog
FISTA Jipo Me belongs to the 5th blood line from her sire's line originating from the world renowned training line of INGO v. Rudingen, ORI v. h. Antverpa, X, UM WUSV Tom van t. Leefdaalhof, Vito v. Waldwinkel.
From her dam GINA Jipo Me she also belongs to the 5th blood line via world renowned west branch of RACKER v. Itytal, X, X, X, FADO Kartago, Naty von Tegelhouse, Task v. Haus Milinda, Baltazar Galan.
FISTA herself is a female with tons of energy, excellent hunt drive and excellent health. As a first partner we chose DASK z Jirkova dvora for the further strengthening of the 5th blood line. We expect very lively, healthy progeny with real protection.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Vito v. Waldwinkel - Bady ze Svobodneho dvora - Fista Jipo Me.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Ulrike z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborna (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV2/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
ULRIKE z Jirkova dvora
ULRIKE z Jirkova dvora
ULRIKE z Jirkova dvora
ULRIKE z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of ULRIKE z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of ULRIKE z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
ULRIKE comes from both her sire's OX z Jirkova dvora and dam's WEXI z Herodesova domu lines to the 4th blood line. ULRIKE enjoys very much retrieving, at the same time she's stubborn but controllable. She loves tracking and
doing protection. ULRIKE is a female with nice dark sable color and excellent body conformation.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Ox z Jirkova dvora - ULRIKE z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Alma z Podbrdskeho kraje |
Titled: ZVV2 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5VQ1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
ALMA z Podbrdskeho kraje
ALMA z Podbrdskeho kraje
ALMA z Podbrdskeho kraje
Pedigree of ALMA z Podbrdskeho kraje
Pedigree of ALMA z Podbrdskeho kraje
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: KLODO Boxberg - CURT v. Herzog Hedan - Odin vom Stolzenfels - Arno von der Schwabenheimat - Kuno von Alt Babenberg - Arno von der Bildhauergilde - Cito vom Coburger Land - Arras vom Adam-Riesezwinger - KLODO a.d. Eremitenklause - ARMIN Sultannschlucht
- ENNO vom Haus Schuöcker - CHULIGAN z Bozkovstejna - ARGO Agar - BEN z Bolfu - GRIM z Pohranicni straze - DARGO HA JA DA - ATILA z Kociciho dvora - ALMA z Podbrdskeho kraje.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Zakira Jipo-Me
Titled: ZVV1, ZPO1 |
Show: velmi dobra (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Pedigree of ZAKIRA Jipo Me
Pedigree of ZAKIRA Jipo Me
Description of the dog
ZAKIRA belongs to the 5th blood line from her sire's side (BADY ze Svobodneho dvora) via branch of INGO v. Rudingen, TOM v. Leefdalhof, VITO v. Waldwinkel. From her dam's side she belongs to the 3rd bloodline via branch of GRIM z PS, DARGO Ha-Ja-Da, XANT
z Jirkova dvora. ZAKIRA is large strong female with very good body conformation, high energy level, good social behavior and great working taste to work with her handler. Her favorite part is protection. She bites inside and outside buildings. Her attacks
are uncompromising, bites are hard and strong. ZAKIRA is another promising female from JINOPO that should produce healthy, strong litters with great working drives.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Vito v. Waldwinkel - Bady ze Svobodneho dvora - Zakira Jipo Me.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Ynusa z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5X1/P [Reference table] |
YNUSA z Jirkova dvora
YNUSA z Jirkova dvora
YNUSA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of YNUSA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of YNUSA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
YNUSA is a female that belongs from her sire's side to the 2nd bloodline, namely to the former East German (DDR) branch. From her dam's side she belongs to the 5th blood line, also to its East German (DDR) branch.
Her pedigree is full of significant working and service dogs (QUANTO, BARO, BALI, MANTO, PLUTO, CHULIGAN, EMIL, VOLF, TREU, BEK, FIASKO, AMOR). YNUSA has very good conformation, normal balanced temperament with good traits for any type of work. YNUSA
has medium energy level. YNUSA is suitable to be also used as a family and its property protection dog.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - HELD v. Haus Elkemann - Axel v. d. Pelztierfarm -
MUTZ v.d.Pelztierfarm - Jonny v. d. Rheinhalle - Jupp v. d. Haller Farm - Canto v. Amicos - Fedo Quercus -
Zorro v. d. Wildsau - Baro v. Kreutzschauer Land - Quanto Jipo-Me - Pard z Jirkova dvora - YNUSA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Cita z Valskeho udoli |
Titled: ZVV2, IPO3, FPR3, ZPS1, SchH/VPG |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5Y1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
CITA z Valskeho udoli
CITA z Valskeho udoli
CITA z Valskeho udoli
Pedigree of CITA z Valskeho udoli
Pedigree of CITA z Valskeho udoli
- progeny:
Description of the dog
CITA belongs from her father NAVAR Hronovsky pramen side to the 5th bloodline, specifically to the East German (DDR) blood via EX v. Riedstern...ARKO v. Grafental, TREU v. Schaeferstolz. From her mother's side she carries
blood of the 2nd blood line. Majority of CITA's ancestry is created by males and female that were used at the breeding program of former border guard kennel z Pohranicni straze (z PS). CITA is medium large with strong bones, considerable head and solid black color.
She is easily trainable and also controllable. Till the age of 2 years she's competed 11 working titles. We believe that CITA will be a great asset to the production of dogs in our breeding program.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt v. Bad Melle - Ali v. Granert - Ingo v. d. Ramsau - Ingo v. Marienplatz -
Dux v. d. Schockengrube - Ex v. Riedstern - Gomo v. Osterberg - Cay v. Echoberg - Arko v. Grafental - Treu v. Schaferstolz -
Ingo z PS - Volf z PS - Emil z PS - Chuligan z PS - Pluto z PS - Navar Hronovsky pramen - Cita z Valskeho udoli.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Ikea Vlci udoli |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: dobry (good) |
Breed Survey: 5CX2/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
IKEA Vlci udoli
IKEA Vlci udoli
IKEA Vlci udoli
IKEA Vlci udoli
Pedigree of IKEA Vlci udoli
Pedigree of IKEA Vlci udoli
Description of the dog
IKEA belongs to 4th sire's bloodline after her father JAGO Jipo Me. IKEA is medium large and strong female with good strong bones and for female strong head. IKEA has lots of energy and
her favorite part of training is protection. She bites mainly from strong prey drive. IKEA is a female suitable mainly for top sport. Her first breeding partner is ZEN z Jirkova dvora. From this combination we expect puppies with dark
pigmentation, strong heads and strong bones. We also expect puppies with clear head and with great traits to learn for their handler.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Jago Jipo Me - Ikea Vlci udoli.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Blacky Jipo Me |
Titled: ZVV1, ZPO1 |
Show: velmi dobra |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5Y1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Pedigree of BLACKY Jipo Me
Pedigree of BLACKY Jipo Me
Description of the dog
BLACKY belongs to the 5th bloodline from her sire's side (BADY ze Svobodneho dvora) and to the 4th bloodline from her dam's side (HANACH Jipo Me). As far as her type she mostly resembles her ancestor XAC z Pohranicni straze (z PS) from
whom she carries also a range of his temperament traits and features among which belong her hardness, lesser willingess to adjust to the new conditions. The most significant temperament trait of BLACKY is her self-reliance. BLACKY can be easily trained and she has very nice real protection.
We expect BLACKY to produce healthy, strong, self confident litters with huge bones and correcly strong heads.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Vito v. Waldwinkel - Bady ze Svobodneho dvora - Blacky Jipo Me.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Lea z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
LEA z Jirkova dvora
LEA z Jirkova dvora
LEA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of LEA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of LEA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
LEA is large, strong, dark sable female with very strong head. LEA belongs to the 3rd bloodline from her father's side (XANT z Jirkova dvora) and to the 5th bloodline from her mother's side (CIRA Jipo Me).
LEA with her bones, color and behavior is a typical representative of dogs with majority of blood originating at z Pohranicni straze (z PS) kennel. LEA is a self confident female with excellent traits for protection. From LEA we expect that she
will pass on to her progeny the conformation and temperament of old type German Shepherd dogs.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: KLODO Boxberg - CURT v. Herzog Hedan -
Odin vom Stolzenfels - Arno von der Schwabenheimat - Kuno von Alt Babenberg - Arno von der Bildhauergilde -
Cito vom Coburger Land - Arras vom Adam-Riesezwinger - KLODO a.d. Eremitenklause - ARMIN Sultannschlucht -
ENNO vom Haus Schuöcker - CHULIGAN z Bozkovstejna - ARGO Agar - BEN z Bolfu - GRIM z Pohranicni straze - DARGO HA JA DA - XANT z Jirkova dvora - LEA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Giga z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1, ZPO1 |
Show: velmi dobra |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JU1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
GIGA z Jirkova dvora
GIGA z Jirkova dvora
GIGA z Jirkova dvora
GIGA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of GIGA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of GIGA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
GIGA belongs from her sire's CHARIK Galan Nalag and dam's FIBA Policie Slovakia sides to the 5th blood line. From both sides of her pedigree the blood is from former DDR working branch. GIGA is standard large female
with huge energy level and traits for all phases - tracking, obedience and protecion. She performs with full effort and speed. GIGA is a female with traits for top sport.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Gringo v.d. Mohnwiese - Charik Galan Nalag - Giga z Jirkova dvora..... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Channy z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobra (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
CHANNY z Jirkova dvora
CHANNY z Jirkova dvora
CHANNY z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of CHANNY z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of CHANNY z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
CHANNY belongs to the 5th blood line via her father's (CARLY Policia Slovakia) side respectively to the branch founded by INGO v. Rudingen via ORRY v. Haus Antverpa. From her mother's (GALINA z Jirkova dvora) side
she belongs to the 3rd blood line. In her pedigree there is a representation of whole range of uncompromising and hard dogs like GRIM z PS, ILLO v.d. Abfuhr, HANIBAL Eqidius, BRONY Policia Slovakia, LIDO Jamirex,
ARTUR z PS, BONT Pec Kar, TROL v.d. boesen Nachbarschaft, POLUX Schwabachmuhle, CARO Peko Haus, KASO z PS, TINA z PS and JASO z PS. The grandmother of CHANNY - DARKA z PS was the best daughter ever of world famous GRIM z PS, dog that should not be
missing in any pedigree of working dog. CHANNY herself has very nice conformation, strong bones and dark pigmentation. CHANNY is self confident female with very real and hard protection. With her progeny one needs to strive for bigger interest in cooperation
with handler in obedience.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Sero v. Haus Antverpa - Hanibal Eqidius - Carly Policia-Slovakia - Channy z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Orka Kvero |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey:1st class 7V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
ORKA Kvero
ORKA Kvero
ORKA Kvero
ORKA Kvero
Pedigree of ORKA Kvero
Pedigree of ORKA Kvero
Pedigree of ORKA Kvero
Description of the dog
ORKA is medium large and strong female with huge energy potential. From both her sire's and dam's side she belongs to the 4th bloodline. ORKA is a type of female that adapts to her new environment quickly.
Her main domain is ball and protection. Her protection is fast, strong and real. We expect ORKA to pass her fighting drive and also her willingness to train onto her progeny. Her puppies should show traits mainly for top sport.
- pedigree
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland
- Hein vom Richterbach - Clodo vom Königsacker - Chlodo vom Schloß Dahlhausen - Lido von der Elisabethenklause - Condor vom Mömlingtal - Wicko von Meran - Django vom Eichbottseen - Eddy vom Vorderen Schalk - Champ vom Baerenfang - Aly am Brenkelberg -
Nash vom Lisdorferland - Drago Eqidius - Faro Demin dvor - Orka Kvero.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Ketty Kamos Durabo |
Titled: ZVV2, ZPO1 |
Show: vyborny |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
KETTY Kamos Durabo
KETTY Kamos Durabo
KETTY Kamos Durabo
Pedigree of KETTY Kamos Durabo
Pedigree of KETTY Kamos Durabo
Description of the dog
KETTY is large strong female strengthened on 2nd bloodline from both her sire's and dam's side. The sire's branch comes from West Germany and dam's branch originates in East Germany (DDR).
KETTY has high energy level, excellent ball drive and very strong and fast protection. Her bites are not always full. KETTY is a typical representative of a type of female suitable for top sport. We expect KETTY to produce
strong and healthy progeny suitable for mainly sport and also Law Enforcement use.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - KETTY Kamos Durabo.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Gera z Malebnych hvozdu |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey:1st class 5X1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
GERA z Malebnych hvozdu
GERA z Malebnych hvozdu
GERA z Malebnych hvozdu
Pedigree of GERA z Malebnych hvozdu
Pedigree of GERA z Malebnych hvozdu
Description of the dog
GERA is large strong female. From her sire's side she belongs to the 4th blood line. From her dam's side she belongs to the 2nd bloodline via world famous dog FERO v. Zeuterner Himmelreich.
GERA has tons of energy and is a very passionate retriever. The whole training can be based on her retrieve drive.
In our breeding program will will focus on further strenghtening of the 2nd blood line. Her progeny from these breedings should be strong, healthy with dark pigmentation and balanced temperament.
- pedigree
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Ox z Jirkova dvora - Gera z Malebnych hvozdu.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Drinna z Jirkova dvora
Titled: ZVV2 |
Show: velmi dobra (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
DRINNA z Jirkova dvora
DRINNA z Jirkova dvora
DRINNA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of DRINNA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of DRINNA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
DRINNA belongs to the 5th bloodline from both her sire's and dam's lines. She carries the blood of former DDR branches. The line of her father is carried via INGO v. Rudingen and ORI v. Haus Antverpa. The line of her mother is carried also via INGO v. Rudingen and HELD v. Ritterberg,
then via HASSAN v. Hansewiesel and GOMO v. Schieferschloss. DRINNA herself is in the type of her father CHARIK Galan Nalag. She has a size and strength according to the breed standard and has very big energy level with great working drives. The most valued thing about
DRINNA is that although she is so energetic she also has a very clear head. Because of her genetical potential we can expect that DRINNA will produce progeny with possibility to compete at top level sport competitons.
- pedigree
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Gringo v.d. Mohnwiese - Charik Galan Nalag - Drina z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Tana z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV2 |
Show: vyborny |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
TANA z Jirkova dvora
TANA z Jirkova dvora
TANA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of TANA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of TANA z Jirkova dvora
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - TANA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Gama z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5CV1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
GAMA z Jirkova dvora
GAMA z Jirkova dvora
GAMA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of GAMA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of GAMA z Jirkova dvora
- progeny:
Description of the dog
GAMA is very strong, nice and self-confident female with normal social behavior, enourmously hard protectin and huge overall working drives. From his father XANT z Jirkova dvora she belongs to the 3rd sire's bloodline.
She is a product of 3 : 4 in line breeding on GRIM z PS. Another very significant and strong male in her pedigree is ILLO v.d. Abfuhr. GAMA will produce very strong healthy and self-confident puppies with wide
range of use.
- pedigree
- video
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: KLODO Boxberg - CURT v. Herzog Hedan -
Odin vom Stolzenfels - Arno von der Schwabenheimat - Kuno von Alt Babenberg - Arno von der Bildhauergilde -
Cito vom Coburger Land - Arras vom Adam-Riesezwinger - KLODO a.d. Eremitenklause - ARMIN Sultannschlucht -
ENNO vom Haus Schuöcker - CHULIGAN z Bozkovstejna - ARGO Agar - BEN z Bolfu - GRIM z Pohranicni straze - DARGO HA JA DA - XANT z Jirkova dvora - GAMA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Gina Jipo-Me
2011 overall winner of National qualification competition in Roudnice, CZ and the best tracking dog award.
Titled: ZVV3, IPO3, ZPS2, ZPO1 |
Show: vyborna |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
GINA Jipo Me
GINA Jipo Me
GINA Jipo Me
GINA Jipo Me - 2011 Roudnice qualification competition for Nationals best tracking award and overall winner.
GINA Jipo Me - 2012 Volenice/Pribram ZVV3 Nationals best protection of the event and overall 4th place.
Pedigree of GINA Jipo Me
Pedigree of GINA Jipo Me
- progeny:
Description of the dog
GINA is a typical daugther of BALTAZAR Galan from whom she inherited type, endurance and high intelligence. GINA belongs to the 5th sire's bloodline. Her trainability comes also from the side of her mother who is a daughter
of DARGO Ha-Ja-Da and has GRIM z PS further in her blood. We expect GINA to produce top working progeny that can be used mainly for top sport or for Law Enforcement work.
- pedigree
- MCR2011
- MCR2012
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- video 1
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Donner zu den SiebenFaulen -
Yasko v. d. Tide - Lex v. d. Drei-Kinder-Haus - Vello v.d. Sieben Faulen - Jalk v. Fohlenbrunnen - Pirol v. Kirschental - Racker v. Itztal -
Dax v. d. Kesmarker Tranke - Harro aus der Lechrainstadt - Fado Karthago - Natz v. Tegelhous - Task v. Haus Milinda - Baltazar Galan - Gina Jipo-Me.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Manka z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
MANKA z Jirkova dvora
MANKA z Jirkova dvora
MANKA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of MANKA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of MANKA z Jirkova dvora
- progeny:
Description of the dog
MANKA is a typical representative of her father PIKO Bret Bett and also her dam's father XANT z Jirova dvora. From her sire's side she belongs to the 2nd blood line.
MANKA is a female with storng bones, dry elegant body conformation and excellent working abilities. It is a female equiped with strong nerves that she inherited from her father PIKO as well as from grandfather XANT.
We expect MANKA to produce progeny with strong nervous system with wide range of use.
- pedigree
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Gundo vom Stolper-Land - Greif v. Felsenstein - Logan Onyx - Ex od Schmidtu -
Vilmar z Marusky - Ajo Ja-Kra - Car pod Molnosskou banou - Cordon An-Sat - Ori z Danaru - Furo Kamos - Piko Bret Bett - MANKA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Fiba Policia Slovakia |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobra |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
FIBA Policia Slovakia
FIBA Policia Slovakia
FIBA Policia Slovakia
Pedigree of FIBA Policia Slovakia
Pedigree of FIBA Policia Slovakia
Pedigree of FIBA Policia Slovakia
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt v. Bad Melle - Ali v. Granert - Ingo v. d. Ramsau - Ingo v. Marienplatz -
Dux v. d. Schockengrube - Ex v. Riedstern - Gomo v. Osterberg - Cay v. Echoberg - Arko v. Grafental - Treu v. Schaferstolz - Bojar z PS - Koran z PS - Mambo z Pohranicni straze - Fiba Policia Slovakia.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Yuca z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 7VQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
YUCA z Jirkova dvora
YUCA z Jirkova dvora
YUCA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of YUCA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of YUCA z Jirkova dvora
- progeny:
Description of the dog
YUCA belongs to the 4th blood sire's blood line via her father RENO Jipo Me. From her dam's side she belongs to the 5th blood line. Her pedigree is loaded from both sides with working dogs such as XAC, GERO, FREDIE, BARO,
CORDON, TREU, CIR, BARON and GOMO. YUCA carries true type of her father including his beautiful dark sable color. YUCA was raised in a city apartment where she socialized greatly. This did not reduce her alertness and
territorial guarding. Her favorite part of training is protection. Her bites are full, hard and uncompromising. Currently (Sept. 2010) she has a litter with ARNO z Petrova. The puppies are strong, healthy and beautifully
- pedigree
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Yuca z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Chyta z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV2 |
Show: vyborny |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
CHYTA z Jirkova dvora
CHYTA z Jirkova dvora
CHYTA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of CHYTA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of CHYTA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
CHYTA is an excellent true representative type of a working line GSD female. She belongs to the 5th sire's bloodline via her father NAVAR Hronovsky pramen respectively to the East German branch via TREU v. Schaeferstolz.
From her dam's side she belongs to the 3rd bloodline namely via world renowned GRIM z PS and DARGO Ha-Ja-Da. CHYTA inherited from her mother huge willingness to work, excellent tracking skills and absolutely strong and full bite. From her father she
inherited the necessary hardness. We expect CHYTA to produce healthy progeny with strong bones and wide range of use with traits for Law Enforcement work and Top Sport.
- pedigree
- video
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt v. Bad Melle - Ali v. Granert - Ingo v. d. Ramsau - Ingo v. Marienplatz -
Dux v. d. Schockengrube - Ex v. Riedstern - Gomo v. Osterberg - Cay v. Echoberg - Arko v. Grafental - Treu v. Schaferstolz -
Ingo z PS - Volf z PS - Emil z PS - Chuligan z PS - Pluto z PS - Navar Hronovsky pramen - Chita z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Masa Jipo-Me |
Titled: ZVV2 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 2nd class 5CU1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
MASA Jipo Me
MASA Jipo Me
MASA Jipo Me
Pedigree of MASA Jipo Me
Pedigree of MASA Jipo Me
- progeny:
Description of the dog
MASA is a typical daugther of her father XANT z Jirkova dvora thus belonging to the 3rd sire's bloodline, repectively from GRIM z PS branch.
She inherited her father's type and very good trainability. From her dam's side she belongs to the 4th bloodline via renowned branch of CAR z Kostoljanskej cesty and NORBO Ben Ju.
We expect MASA to produce very good working progeny suitable mainly for family protection, personal protection and Law Enforcement purposes.
- pedigree
- video
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: KLODO Boxberg - CURT v. Herzog Hedan -
Odin vom Stolzenfels - Arno von der Schwabenheimat - Kuno von Alt Babenberg - Arno von der Bildhauergilde -
Cito vom Coburger Land - Arras vom Adam-Riesezwinger - KLODO a.d. Eremitenklause - ARMIN Sultannschlucht -
ENNO vom Haus Schuöcker - CHULIGAN z Bozkovstejna - ARGO Agar - BEN z Bolfu - GRIM z Pohranicni straze - DARGO HA JA DA - XANT z Jirkova dvora - MASA Jipo-Me.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Para z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV2, FPR2 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5CVQ1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
PARA z Jirkova dvora
PARA z Jirkova dvora
PARA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of PARA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of PARA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
PARA z Jirkova dvora is a typical daughter of her father ATILA z Kociciho dvora and therefore belongs to the 3rd bloodline. From this bloodline she also have other significant ancestors in her pedigree such as ILLO v.d. Abfuhr,
DARKA z Pohranicni straze, DARGO Ha-Ja-Da and GRIM z Pohranicni straze. PARA is a product of 3-3 in line breeding on GRIM z PS. This bloodline is imprinted in her conformation and temperament features and traits. PARA is an elegantly looking, dark sable female with
great willingness to work and perform. She is a fully social female, yet she is a great protection dog with great territorial behavior. PARA has the required level of prey and hunt drives. Currently (April 2011) she is bred to URF z Jirkova dvora. We expect very nice, dark
colored working puppies.
- pedigree
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: KLODO Boxberg - CURT v. Herzog Hedan - Odin vom Stolzenfels - Arno von der Schwabenheimat - Kuno von Alt Babenberg - Arno von der Bildhauergilde - Cito vom Coburger Land - Arras vom Adam-Riesezwinger - KLODO a.d. Eremitenklause - ARMIN Sultannschlucht
- ENNO vom Haus Schuöcker - CHULIGAN z Bozkovstejna - ARGO Agar - BEN z Bolfu - GRIM z Pohranicni straze - DARGO HA JA DA - ATILA z Kociciho dvora - PARA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Vanessa z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
VANESSA z Jirkova dvora
VANESSA z Jirkova dvora
VANESSA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of VANESSA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of VANESSA z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
VANESSA belongs to the 2nd bloodline from both her sire's (CHARI z Esagilu) and dam's (SEDRY od Roubenky) side via world renowned training branch that was founded by FERO vom Zeuterner Himmelreich and MUTZ v. Petztier Farm.
VANESSA is medium large, well conformed female with tons of energy a strong defence reaction. Her protection is strong and real. VANESSA likes to do obedience and also is fond of tracking. As her first partner we chose ORION z Jirkova dvora. The breeding will
be matched on 2nd bloodline and the puppies will be in line strenghtened 3-3 on QUANTO Jipo Me. You can expect very healthy and versatile puppies.
- pedigree
- video
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Chari z Esagilu - VANESSA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Dali z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
DALI z Jirkova dvora
DALI z Jirkova dvora
DALI z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of DALI z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of DALI z Jirkova dvora
- progeny:
Description of the dog
DALI is a typical dauhter of ATILA z Kociciho dvora and thus belongs to the 3rd sire's blood line. DALI is a medium large strong female, elegantly conformed with high energy level and great working drives.
Her significant virtue is harness and confidence in any situation. From her dam's side she belongs to the 2nd blood line. DALI is a product of in line breeding on ORI z Danaru.
Her first litter will be with OX z Jirkova dvora. This breeding will be in line on DARGO Ha Ja Da, then GRIM z PS. This a is guarantee for correct bone strength, excellent working qualities of the progeny and also
strong health.
- pedigree
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: KLODO Boxberg - CURT v. Herzog Hedan - Odin vom Stolzenfels - Arno von der Schwabenheimat - Kuno von Alt Babenberg - Arno von der Bildhauergilde - Cito vom Coburger Land - Arras vom Adam-Riesezwinger - KLODO a.d. Eremitenklause - ARMIN Sultannschlucht
- ENNO vom Haus Schuöcker - CHULIGAN z Bozkovstejna - ARGO Agar - BEN z Bolfu - GRIM z Pohranicni straze - DARGO HA JA DA - ATILA z Kociciho dvora - DALI z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Henesee Zimni romance |
Titled: ZVV1 (95 93 90) |
Show: dobra |
Breed Survey: 2nd class 5CV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
HENESEE Zimni romance
HENESEE Zimni romance
HENESEE Zimni romance
HENESEE Zimni romance
Pedigree of HENESEE Zimni romance
Pedigree of HENESEE Zimni romance
- progeny:
Description of the dog
HENESEE is a typical representative of a female belonging to the 5th blood line, respectively DDR branch. Among the most significant dogs in her pedigree belong GOMO v. Schieferschloss, CIRO z PS, CORDON An-Sat, PLUTO, CHULIGAN, EMIL z PS, NORBO Ben-Ju and GERO z Blatenskeho zamku.
HENESEE is a female of extraordinary intelligence. She has a great willingness to work in all 3 phases. HENESEE is planned to be bred to CHARIK Galan Nalag. This litter will be carried in blood line of INGO v. Rudingen. We expect promissing very intelligent, healthy progeny with great working drives.
- pedigree
- video
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Held v. Ritterberg - Hassan v. den Hasselwiesen - Gomo v. Schieferschloss - Grey z Traxlerova dvora - Bred z Nitkovskeho dvora - Vasko Venusina sopka - Henesee Zimni romance.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Hanach Jipo Me |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Pedigree of HANACH Jipo Me
Pedigree of HANACH Jipo Me
- progeny:
Description of the dog
HANACH is a typical daugther of RENO Jipo-Me. She is significant for her strong head, lots of energy and working drives. It is a female with nice strong bones. HANACH is also fully social female and at the same time she
has very strong protection. She also loves to play with ball. We expect HANACH to produce strong self confident progeny. We also expect good hips and elbows results. HANACH belongs to the 4th bloodline from her father and mother side.
- pedigree
- video
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Hanach Jipo Me.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Wren z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny |
Breed Survey: 1st class JV1/P, DNA [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
WREN z Jirkova dvora
WREN z Jirkova dvora
WREN z Jirkova dvora
WREN z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of WREN z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of WREN z Jirkova dvora
- progeny:
Description of the dog
WREN z Jirkova dvora is a typical daugther of stud dog LARY Bret - Bett (ZVV3) and thus represents 6th blood line. WREN is a female that loves to be trained in all 3. phases. She has a special passion for protection.
The detention of the handler is fast with impressive jumps and full strong bites. From her dam's side she carries blood of NORBO Ben - Ju, GERO z Blatenskeho zamku. Therefore from her dam's side she belongs to the
4th bloodline. Based on her pure working pedigree we expect that the pups of WREN will further inherit the quality working abilities.
- pedigree
- video
- video 1
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Baron v. d. Deutschen Werken - Wiegand v. Blasienberg -
Gockel v. Bern - Ingo v. Piastendamm - Claus v. Piastenturm - Utz v. Haus Hiller - Gero a.d. Jurgensklause - Groll v. Quowitzstadt - Lux Sibrin -
Arko z Vytune - Dar z Przma - Drago z Humnan - Cir z Vrtovske doliny - Abbe z Ansy - Gero Chmelovy kvitek - Cak Pisecna boure - Lary Bret Bett -
Wren z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Nissa z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
NISSA z Jirkova dvora
NISSA z Jirkova dvora
NISSA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of NISSA z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of NISSA z Jirkova dvora
- progeny:
Description of the dog
NISSA is a very nice strong female with dark pigmentation. In her type she is the true representative her father PIKO Bret Bett. She belongs to the 2nd sire's bloodline.
NISSA is a female with clear head with a great willingness to work. It is a female that is easily controllable even for elder person. We expect NISSA to produce progeny suitable
mainly for family protection or personal protection.
- pedigree
- video
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Gundo vom Stolper-Land - Greif v. Felsenstein - Logan Onyx - Ex od Schmidtu -
Vilmar z Marusky - Ajo Ja-Kra - Car pod Molnosskou banou - Cordon An-Sat - Ori z Danaru - Furo Kamos - Piko Bret Bett - NISSA z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Sheila Jipo Me |
Titled: ZVV2 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: -- [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Pedigree of SHEILA Jipo Me
Pedigree of SHEILA Jipo Me
- progeny:
Description of the dog
SHEILA belongs to the 4th sire's blood line after her father RENO Jipo Me. SHEILA is medium large, strong female with good conformation and great energy level. The significant temperament traits of SHEILA are harness and fighting drive.
Her big conformation advantage is her dark pigmentation. We expect that she will pass her color and harness onto her progeny.
- pedigree
- video
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Sheila Jipo Me.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Bria z Kociciho dvora |
Titled: ZVV3, ZOP, ZPU 2, ZPS 1, SchH/VPG 1, IPO2, IPO-V, FPR3, BH |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 2nd class 5DV1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
BRIA z Kociciho dvora
BRIA z Kociciho dvora
BRIA z Kociciho dvora
Pedigree of BRIA z Kociciho dvora
Pedigree of BRIA z Kociciho dvora
- progeny:
Description of the dog
BRIA is a typical daughter of XANT z Jirkova dvora. She is large, strong, self-confident female with huge willingness to work with her
handler. The mother of BRIA - EMI Ro-Sa is also a mother of ATILA z Kociciho dvora. EMI Ro-Sa is an excellent hard but at the same time very controllable female.
BRIA belongs to 3rd sire's bloodline. From her mather's side she belongs to 2nd bloodline. In the pictures BRIA is 10 days prior her due to date. BRIA is bred to MAMBO z PS and it is the last litter of MAMBO in the
Czech Republic. The pups wll be strong, dark, self-confident with suitability to be used in top sport or law enforcement.
- pedigree
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: KLODO Boxberg - CURT v. Herzog Hedan -
Odin vom Stolzenfels - Arno von der Schwabenheimat - Kuno von Alt Babenberg - Arno von der Bildhauergilde -
Cito vom Coburger Land - Arras vom Adam-Riesezwinger - KLODO a.d. Eremitenklause - ARMIN Sultannschlucht -
ENNO vom Haus Schuöcker - CHULIGAN z Bozkovstejna - ARGO Agar - BEN z Bolfu - GRIM z Pohranicni straze - DARGO HA JA DA - XANT z Jirkova dvora - Bria z Kociciho dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Cindy z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny |
Elbows,hips: 0/0 |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
Links: img1
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Lika z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV2 |
Show: velmi dobra (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5U1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Bara ze Srnciho vrchu |
Titled: ZVV1, VPGA |
Show: velmi dobry |
Elbows,hips: 0/0 |
Breed Survey: 2nd class 4CY1/P [Reference table] |
Links: img1
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Bryta z Ajkinej nadeje |
Titled: SVV1 |
Show: dobra |
Breed Survey: 2nd class 4CKV6/34 [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: A |
Links: img1
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Galina z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P |
Elbows,hips: 1/1, DNA |
Links: img1
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Cira Jipo-Me |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobra (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Rena Jipo Me |
Titled: ZVV1, ZPO1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5VQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Ingrid z Udoli ediny |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5Y1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
video 1
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Haki z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobra |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: a fast normal, DNA |
Links: img1
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Rosa z Golha |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 2nd class 5CKV1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Tina Jipo-Me |
Titled: ZVV1, ZPO1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Viki Jipo Me |
Titled: ZVV2, IPO1, ZPS1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5XY1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Inka z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1, ZPS1 |
Show: velmi dobra (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5X1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Bona z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1, IPO1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JY1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Xena z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Elbows,hips: 0/1, DNA |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/N [Reference table] |
Links: img1
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Noka z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: SVV1 |
Show: dobra |
Breed Survey: 2nd class 5KV55/45 [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0 |
Links: img1
video |
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Puci Jipo-Me (daughter of Alex z Pisnicky) |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: a Normal, DNA |
Links: img1
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Chery z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1, ZPS1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 2nd class 5CX1/N |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Astra Lucia Viktoria |
Titled: SVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV5/55 [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/1 |
Links: img1
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Zina z Jirkova dvora (daughter of Chasinta z Pohranicni straze) |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV2/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Yska z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JX1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Chayma z Pohranicni straze |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5VQ1/N [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Ossi z Antdagu |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5CV1/N [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Uva z Jirkova dvora (daughter of NORA z Jirkova dvora) |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: dobry |
Breed Survey: 2nd class 5CU1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Holy z Vajsbachu |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Gari z Udoli Ediny |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JY1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/1, DNA |
Links: img1
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Riki Jipo Me |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/N [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: a Fast normal, DNA |
Links: img1
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Darka z Pohranicni straze |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: dobry |
Breed Survey: 2nd class 5CU1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0 |
Links: img1
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Hety Jipo-Me |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV2/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Wara z Pohranicni straze |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JVQ2/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: A Fast normal, DNA |
Links: img1
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Cony zo Solivarskeho dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JX1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Alex z Pisnicky |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Chasinta z Pohranicni straze |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P (4.27.02) [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: a 1/1, DNA |
Links: img1
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Varna z Pohranicni straze (daughter of DARKA z Pohranicni straze) |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 2nd class 5CU1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0 |
Links: img1
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Nora z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5CV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Lena Ceperkov dvor |
Titled: SVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 2nd class 5CY5/44 [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1