[In alphabetical order]
Fant | Gap | Jefy | Jura | Yavir
..: 1st Bloodline :.. |
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Yavir Favory Cross
Titled: BH-VT, IPO1, IPO2, IPO3 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5X1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
YAVIR Favory Cross
YAVIR Favory Cross
YAVIR Favory Cross
YAVIR Favory Cross
YAVIR Favory Cross
Pedigree of YAVIR Favory Cross
Pedigree of YAVIR Favory Cross
Description of the dog
YAVIR belongs from his sire's side (GRIM Suche Lazce) to the 1st bloodline namely to the branch founded by HECTOR vom Schwaben who was son of HORAND. YAVIR has in his pedigree world renowned Universalsieger
JAVIR vom Talka Marda followed by KERN Galan Nalag, GRIM Suche Lazce.
From his dam's side (WESTIE Favory Cross) YAVIR is also genetically equiped by 1st blood line and you can find in his pedigree blood of dogs formely used in JINOPO breeding program (CHARIK Galan Nalag
and SHARON Favory cross via his sister SORBONA).
YAVIR gained from his ancestors excellent working traits. Among his virtues are high self confidence, strong and hard bites, endurance in all type of environments.
This dog is a very valuable asset to our breeding program at JINOPO. We expect to gain strong health, sport type of characters, hardness and also endurance and willingness to work.
- pedigree
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Hektor von Schwaben - Beowulf (SZ10) früher Beowulf Sonnenberg bezw. Wolf - Jokel von Schwetzingen - Rolf von Karolingen - Orto vom Simplon - Alex von Hänni - Nero von der Heide - Rex du Chatelot -
Hektor vom Schachengrund - Cerno von der Achensmühle - Claudius vom Hain - Edo vom Gehrdener Berg - Arno vom Haus Gersie - Valet vom Busecker Schloss - Gildo vom Busecker Schloss - Rocco vom Stahlhammer -
Kerry vom Stahlhammer - Ari vom Neffeltal - Cliff vom Wolfendobel - Erko vom Eisfeld - Marc vom Herkulesblick - Dago vom Schwarzen Pegasus - Javir vom Talka Marda - Kern Galan Nalag - Grim Suche Lazce - YAVIR Favory Cross.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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..: 2nd Bloodline :.. |
JEFY z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1,ZVV2,ZVV3, ZMT, BH-VT,SPr1,FPr1,FPr2, FPr3, IGP-V, IGP1,IGP2,IGP3, ZPS1, T1, IFH-V, IFH 1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JVQ1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
JEFY z Jirkova dvora
JEFY z Jirkova dvora
JEFY z Jirkova dvora
JEFY z Jirkova dvora
JEFY z Jirkova dvora
JEFY z Jirkova dvora
JEFY z Jirkova dvora
JEFY z Jirkova dvora
JEFY z Jirkova dvora
JEFY z Jirkova dvora
JEFY z Jirkova dvora
JEFY z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of JEFY z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of JEFY z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
JEFY belongs from his sire GAO z Jirkova dvora to the 2nd bloodline that was introduced to our breeding program by well known Czech bred dog PANTER Aritar Bastet followed by KERY Kamos Durabo, KENN Jipo Me and GAO z Jirkova dvora.
All these ancesters excelled with their hard working abilities, hardness, bone strength and dark pigmentation. KERY, KENN and GAO all have completed IGP3 and ZVV3 titles. KENN was also competing at MMS CKNO national level competiton.
From his dam's side UMMA z Jirkova dvora JEFY belongs to the 5th bloodline of former DDR that was founded by world renowned dog INGO v. Rudingen. The branch of this line was founded at JINOPO by VITO vom Waldwinkel followed by BADY ze Svobodneho dvora,
Both sides of the pedigree guarantee that JEFY will further strongly produce these conformation features and temperament traits on his progeny that will well represent dogs coming from JINOPO.
- pedigree
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - Kery Kamos Durabo - Kenn Jipo Me - Gao z Jirkova dvora - JEFY z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Fant z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: BH, ZVV1, IPO3, IFH1, IFH2, FPr3 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5VJQV1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
FANT z Jirkova dvora
FANT z Jirkova dvora
FANT z Jirkova dvora
FANT z Jirkova dvora
FANT z Jirkova dvora
FANT z Jirkova dvora
FANT z Jirkova dvora
FANT z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of FANT z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of FANT z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
FANT belongs after his father MOODY z Jirkova dvora (BH, IPO3, National Championship competitor) to the 2nd bloodline namely to the former DDR working branch. This branch was founded by ALF Nordfelsen, GUNDO vom Stoperland, GREIF v. Felsenstrein,
LOGAN Onyx, EX od Schmidtu, VILMAR z Marusky, AJO Ja-Kra, CAR pod Molnosskou banou, CORDON An-Sat, ORI z Danaru, FURO Kamos, PIKO Bret Bett, ART z Sumavske doliny. Dogs coming from this branch were plentifully used at breeding program of Police and Border Patrol (z Pohranicni straze) of
former Czechoslovakia. Many of offsprings of these dogs were used directly as service dogs. Among the most valuable conformation features were strength of the bones, dark pigmentation and overall elegant body conformation with strongly developed sexual expression.
As far as temperament these dogs were faithful, vigilant with excellent sense of smell. Dogs were able to do 4 or more hours old tracks on different terrains. These dogs also excelled with natural very hard and real protection. They were biting very strong based on
prey and defence drives. They were less willing in doing obedience.
From his mother's side FANT belongs to the 5th blood line namely to the former DDR branch that was founded by famous dog INGO v. Rudingen. Other famous dogs in this lineage were WUSV competitor ORI v. Haus Antverpa, X, X, WUSV competitor TOM van t'Leefdaalhof, VITO v.
Waldwinkel, National competitor BADY ze Svobodneho dvora and GABI Jirysu Bohemia. Dogs in this lineage excel in willingness , very nice obedience, very good strong and fast protection that are based mainly on prey drive.
FANT himself is an ideal specimen of working dog not only with is size and weight (64 cm and 38 kg) but also with his huge muscled strong body, his absolutely willing working temperament, easy controllability that is combined with excellent sense of smell, strong
prey, hunt and defence drives. FANT is suitable to be used everywhere where there is a need to improve pigmentation, bone strength and willingness to work of the progeny. From FANT we expect that he will further strengthens and unifies working type and temperaments of the dogs bred at JINOPO.
We further believe that he will be a great contributor for health of his progeny. He should also improve the ability of puppies to work in early age.
- pedigree
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Gundo vom Stolper-Land - Greif v. Felsenstein - Logan Onyx - Ex od Schmidtu -
Vilmar z Marusky - Ajo Ja-Kra - Car pod Molnosskou banou - Cordon An-Sat - Ori z Danaru - Furo Kamos - Piko Bret Bett - ART ze Sumavske doliny - Moody z Jirkova dvora - FANT z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Jura Plavska ruze |
Titled: BH-VT, ZVV1, ZVV2, ZVV3, IGP1, IGP2, IGP3 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5Y1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
JURA Plavska ruze
JURA Plavska ruze
JURA Plavska ruze
JURA Plavska ruze
JURA Plavska ruze
Pedigree of JURA Plavska ruze
Pedigree of JURA Plavska ruze
Description of the dog
JURA belongs via his father KERY Kamos Durabo to the 2nd sire's bloodline. Therefore he comes from world renowned working branch founded by FERO vom Zeuterner Himmelreich.
FERO's blood is in the pedigree of 90% of dogs in West Europe that compete on top international IPO3 events.
From his dam's side (DONA Plavska ruze) he belongs to the 4th bloodline founded by UTZ. Haus Schutting and many of the dogs in his pedigree also competed at top level competitions internationally.
JURA is a typical son of his father KERY Kamos Durabo. He is balanced, confident everywhere, has great retrieve drive and has high prey and defence drives. He is a type of dog that is able to rest and immediatelly
start to work willingly and at full speed. JURA has a temperament that by training can be developed into family protection dog over to S&R dog over to law enforcement and army dog. JURA can be used
everywhere where you need to improve nerves, pigmentation and bone strength. He should also be an elbows and hips dysplasia improver.
- pedigree
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - Kery Kamos Durabo - JURA Plavska ruze.... Sire’s line in pictures
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..: 4th Bloodline :.. |
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Gap z Ratiborickeho udoli |
Titled: ZVV1, IGP1, IGP2, IGP3, BH-VT |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1. class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
GAP z Ratiborickeho udoli
GAP z Ratiborickeho udoli
GAP z Ratiborickeho udoli
GAP z Ratiborickeho udoli
GAP z Ratiborickeho udoli
GAP z Ratiborickeho udoli
Pedigree of GAP z Ratiborickeho udoli
Pedigree of GAP z Ratiborickeho udoli
Description of the dog
GAP belongs from his sire's (CADET z Jirkova dvora) side to the 4th blood line and is a successor of one of the oldest branches of this blood line used at JINOPO kennels.
This branch was founded by world renowned GERO z Blatenskeho zamku. GERO who himself is a legendary dog now had famous successors namely XAC z Pohranicni straze, RENO Jipo-Me, JAGO Jipo-Me (WUSV world championship
competitor), ARAM Tufra and CADET z Jirkova dvora.
From his grandmother's (EPY z Jirkova dvora) side he carries a blood of former DDR dogs represented at JINOPO by following dogs PLUTO z Pohranicni straze, CHULIGAN z Pohranicni straze, EMIL z Pohranicni straze,
BALLI Panta Rei.
From his ancestors GAP inherited required characteristics such as strength of the bones, dark pigmentation and excellent traits for tracking, obedience and hardness and fight drive in protection.
The speed, strength and genuineness that GAP is able to make are among his biggest virtues.
From his dam's (BELLA z Ratiborickeho udoli) side GAP also belongs to the 4th blood line and in his pedigree there is a wide range of hard dogs that also competed at top level competitions.
This is branch from UTZ v. Haus Schutting xxx HEIN v. Richterbach xxx WICKO Meran - Django vom Eichbottseen - Eddy vom Vorderen Schalk - Olix von Karthago - Tyson von der Schiffslache - Balko von der Teufelskehle
- Filip z Klídkova dvora - Cassin Marcona.
GAP is a product of last breeding of CADET on the territory of Czech Republic and he is a best son that CADET ever produced. GAP combines in his persona the strength of bones, musculature, pure breed nobility of type
along with strong head and stud expression. GAP is very self confident dog with willingness for all the work. His obedience is willing and he has very good traits for tracking. His biggest asset is his
uncompromising and hard protection that is real.
GAP will be used in our breeding program everywhere were there is a need to solidify these characteristics in our progeny. GAP is truly exceptional dog that completed all the breeding requirements including IGP3 title before
reaching age of 2 years!!!!
- pedigree
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Jago Jipo Me - Aram Tufra - Cadet z Jirkova dvora - Gap z Ratiborickeho udoli.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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