[In alphabetical order]
A'Bruno | Aram | Arno | Atila | Art | Bady | Balli | Baltazar |
Bazi | Beno | Bill |
Cadet |
Carly | Caro | Chari | Charik | Chuligan | Dan |
Dargo | Dask | Eiko | Faro | Furo | Gao | Giordano Bruno | Gep | Gero | Gero 1 | Ibon | Idoll | Illo | Jack Daniels | Jago | Jokas | Kenn | Kery |
Lary | Lery | Mambo | Moody | Navar | Nero | Nick | Norbo | Odin | Orion | Ox |
Ox 1 | Panter | Pard | Pard 1 |
Pardal | Piko (Rudi) | Pluto | Quanto | Sarko | Sharon | Thomas | Xant |
Xartto | Xebo | Zako Max |
Zen | Zoob |
Ox Nokafi |
Titled: BH-VT, ZVV1, ZVV2, IGP1, IGP2, IGP3 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5Y1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
OX Nokafi
OX Nokafi
OX Nokafi
Pedigree of OX Nokafi
Pedigree of OX Nokafi
Description of the dog
OX belongs from his sire's side (DAN z Mnichovy zahrady) to the 2nd bloodline of former DDR dogs namely to the branch founded by SAN vom Haus Himpel followed by
ERKO vom Turmpark, DON vom Rolandsteich, Neumann's JANKO, BRUTUS vom grauen Stern, AHRON von Granit Rose, CHEROKEE von den Wölfen, PHALKO vom Weinbergblick, DAGO z Klidkova dvora, ATHOS Smolkovsky les, Dan z Mnichovy zahrady.
From his dam's side (ILLY Nokafi) he belongs to the 4th bloodline. From ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora he represents already 8th generation of dogs raised in the Czech Republic.
From his ancestors OX inherited strong bones, strong square head, strong nerves for training, balanced temperament, clear head, endurance in tracking and willingness to work with his handler.
His big virtue are strong, hard bites in protection and at the same time easy controllability.
We believe that young OX will be a great asset to JINOPO breeding program. We expect him to produce progeny with strong health, great willingness for any type of work ranging form sport to law enforcement. At the moment OX is being trained for
IGP3 and ZVV3.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Gundo vom Stolper-Land - Dux von der Fliehburg - San vom Haus Himpel - Deko vom Schloßwinkel - Erko vom Turmpark - Don vom Rolandsteich - Neumann's Janko - Brutus vom grauen Stern
- Ahron von Granit Rose - Cherokee von den Wölfen - Phalko vom Weinbergblick - Dago z Klidkova dvora - Athos Smolkovsky les - DAN z Mnichovy zahrady - OX Nokafi.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Bazi von Grosspriesen |
Titled: ZVV1, BH-VT, IGP3 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1. class 5VQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
BAZI von Grosspriesen
BAZI von Grosspriesen
BAZI von Grosspriesen
BAZI von Grosspriesen
BAZI von Grosspriesen
BAZI von Grosspriesen
BAZI von Grosspriesen
BAZI von Grosspriesen
BAZI von Grosspriesen
BAZI von Grosspriesen
BAZI von Grosspriesen
BAZI von Grosspriesen
Pedigree of BAZI von Grosspriesen
Pedigree of BAZI von Grosspriesen
Description of the dog
BAZI von Grosspriesen belongs from his sire's (HERO z Klidkova dvora) side to the 4th blood line from UTZ v. Haus Schutting xxx HEIN v. Richterbach xxx WICKO Meran xxx OLIX v. Kartago, TYSON von der Schiffslache, BLACK JACK v.d.
Teufelskehla, HERO z Klidkova dvora.
From his dam's (AIREEN Villi Virta) side he belongs to the 5th blood line. Namely to the DDR branch founded by world renowned INGO v. Rudingen, ORRI v. Haus Antverpa, TOM van t'Leevdaalhof, VITO v. Waldwinkel, BASKO ze Svobodného dvora, AIREEN Villi Virta.
BAZI himself is a large and strong male with real self confidence. He is a dog that is very willing to work for his handler after being at first really subjugated. He tracks with passion and this passion is constant for the whole duration of the track.
His obedience is very willing and he does it really for his handler. His protection is very strong, at the same time he can be controlled. We chose BAZI for JINOPO breeding program mainly to enrich the blood of 4th bloodline that is embedded here via GERO z Blatenskeho
zamku. Further we chose him to strengthen the strong stud expression, dominance in protection and health of our progeny.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
Hein v. Richterbach - Chlodo vom Königsacker - Chlodo vom Schloß Dahlhausen - Lido von der Elisabethenklause - Condor vom Mömlingtal - Wicko von Meran -
Django vom Eichbottseen - Eddy vom Vorderen Schalk - Boy von Haus-Klönne - Olix von Karthago - Tyson von der Schiffslache - Black-Jack von der Teufelskehle - Hero z Klidkova dvora - BAZI von Grosspriesen.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Giordano Bruno Vlci udoli
Titled: ZVV1, IGP3, BH-VT |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, ,spondylosis 0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
Pedigree of GIORDANO BRUNO Vlci udoli
Pedigree of GIORDANO BRUNO Vlci udoli
Description of the dog
GIORDANO BRUNO belongs to the 5th blood line namely to the former DDR branch founded by INGO v. Rudingen followed by HELD vom Ritterberg, KASS vom Furstendamm, MARKO z Blatenskeho zamku, AKR SNB, ADIR z Pohranicni straze, QUINT z Daskonu, LARRY ze
Stribrneho kamene, FANTOM ze Stribrneho kamene, ALLEGRO ze Zdeneho mlyna. Most of these ancestors were significant working dogs.
From his dam's side (VENUS JORIKA Vlci udoli) he carries blood of 4th blood line founded by Utz v. Haus Schutting.
GIORDANO BRUNO himself is a young promising sport dog with strong character, reliability at training and very strong hard protection where he shows his genetical origin of hard bites on decoy. We expect GIORDANO BRUNO to strengthen working temperaments,
high prey drive, conformation and very dark pigmentation of his progeny. GIORDANO BRUNO is still in training for higher titles and top level competitions.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Held vom Ritterberg - Kass vom Fürstendamm - Marko z Blatenskeno zamku - Akr SNB - Adir z Pohranicni straze - Quint z Daskonu - Larry ze Stribrneho kamene - Fantom ze Stribrného kamene - Allegro ze Zdeneho mlyna - GIORDANO Bruno Vlci udoli.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Xartto z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: BH-VT, IGP3, ZVV1, UPr3 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1. class 5JVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) |
XARTTO z Jirkova dvora
XARTTO z Jirkova dvora
XARTTO z Jirkova dvora
XARTTO z Jirkova dvora
XARTTO z Jirkova dvora
XARTTO z Jirkova dvora
XARTTO z Jirkova dvora
XARTTO z Jirkova dvora
XARTTO z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of XARTTO z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of XARTTO z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of XARTTO z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
XARTTO belongs from his father's side (ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora) to the 4th bloodline namely to the world renowned branch used at Jinopo from our foundation that begins with GERO z Blatenskeho zamku and
it's followed by XAC z Pohranicni straze, RENO Jipo Me, OX z Jirkova dvora, ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora. At the same time he is in line strengthened 3-3 on RENO Jipo Me.
Also from his mother's side (SURA z Jirkova dvora) he belongs to the 4th bloodline in which we can point out JAGO Jipo Me who competed both at national (MMSCKNO) and international (WUSV) championships.
XARTTO is a typical representative of his ancestors from whom he especially inherited his type and very strongly pigmented black sable coat. He also inherited excellent traits for difficult tracking and he has a great protection drive.
Unlike his ancestors he also has a very good willingness to do obedience. Like this XARTTO is a typical representative of sought-after working dog not only by his dimensions but also his temperament.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Ox z Jirkova dvora - Zako Max z Jirkova dvora - Xartto z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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DAN z Mnichovy zahrady |
Titled: BH-VT,IGP1,ZVV1, IGP2, FPr3, IFH-V |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5Y1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
DAN z Mnichovy zahrady
DAN z Mnichovy zahrady
DAN z Mnichovy zahrady
DAN z Mnichovy zahrady
DAN z Mnichovy zahrady
DAN z Mnichovy zahrady
DAN z Mnichovy zahrady
DAN z Mnichovy zahrady
DAN z Mnichovy zahrady
DAN z Mnichovy zahrady
DAN z Mnichovy zahrady
DAN z Mnichovy zahrady
Pedigree of DAN z Mnichovy zahrady
Pedigree of DAN z Mnichovy zahrady
Description of the dog
DAN belongs to the 2nd bloodline of former DDR dogs namely to the branch founded by SAN vom Haus Himpel, ERKO vom Turmpark, DON vom Rolandsteich, Neumann's JANKO, BRUTUS vom grauen Stern,
AHRON von Granit Rose, CHEROKEE von den Wölfen, PHALKO vom Weinbergblick, DAGO z Klidkova dvora, ATHOS Smolkovsky les.
DAN inherited from these ancestors medium large body conformation, dark pigmentation, excellent persistance at work for his handler, very strong prey, hunt and protection drives. He is a real fighter predestined to be competing at
high level competitions.
From is dam's side (ZENA z Mnichovy zahrady) he belongs to the 5th blood line of also former DDR dog that was founded by INGO v. Rudingen followed by HELD v. Ritterberg, KASS v. Fuerstendamm, MARKO z Blatenského zámku,
AKR SNB, ADIR z Pohranièní stráže, QUINT z Daskonu, CHARLI Niox, VRISCO Niox.
Also from this side DAN inherited valuable character traits for high performance.
We plan to use DAN on our females from 2nd bloodline mainly the branches originating from PANTER Aritar Bastet. We believe that he will pass on his progeny excellent temperament of working dogs and also strong health and dark pigmentation.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Gundo vom Stolper-Land - Dux von der Fliehburg - San vom Haus Himpel - Deko vom Schloßwinkel - Erko vom Turmpark - Don vom Rolandsteich - Neumann's Janko - Brutus vom grauen Stern
- Ahron von Granit Rose - Cherokee von den Wölfen - Phalko vom Weinbergblick - Dago z Klidkova dvora - Athos Smolkovsky les - DAN z Mnichovy zahrady.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Cadet z Jirkova dvora |
Titled:BH, IPO1, IPO2, IPO3 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1. class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
CADET z Jirkova dvora
CADET z Jirkova dvora
CADET z Jirkova dvora
CADET z Jirkova dvora
CADET z Jirkova dvora
CADET z Jirkova dvora
CADET z Jirkova dvora
CADET z Jirkova dvora
CADET z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of CADET z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of CADET z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
CADET belongs from his sire's (ARAM Tufra) side to the 4th blood line, namely to the branch long used by JINOPO, that was founded by legendary GERO z Blatenskeho zamku. Bloodline was followed by XAC z Pohranicni straze,
RENO Jipo Me, JAGO Jipo Me (competing at WUSV World championship in Ukraine). From these dogs CADET inherited required strength of bones, pigmentation and perfect traits for tracking, required fighting drive and harness in protection.
From his dam's (EPY z Jirkova dvora) side he belongs to the 2nd bloodline also to the branch that has been used long by JINOPO. This branch was founded by BARO v. Kreutzschauer Land. BARO was a stud dog used at breeding program of Swedisch Police. He is followed
in pedigree by QUANTO JIpo Me and PARD z Jirkova dvora. Other significant dogs in his mother's pedigree are PLUTO, CHULIGAN and EMIL z Pohranicni straze. These dogs were significant for their DDR type, strength of bones and huge heads. Another excellent dog in his pedigree is
BALLI Panta Rei representing also excellent DDR branch via INGO v. Rudingen and MANTO v. Kahlenbach. All these ancestors only strenghtened the size of the bones, distinctiveness of heads with significant stop.
CADET himself is strong but elegant with noticeable stud head. He is a very well pigmented dog with willingness to work. He has very good traits for tracking and protection. He is self confident. In obedience he's hard headed but willing.
CADET can be used for females that need to improve the above described conformation features and character traits. At moment he is still being trained so in 2020 he can be shown at national competition level.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Jago Jipo Me - Aram Tufra - Cadet z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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ZOOB z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: BH, IPO1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: Koerung NL |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM: N/N |
ZOOB z Jirkova dvora
ZOOB z Jirkova dvora
ZOOB z Jirkova dvora
ZOOB z Jirkova dvora
ZOOB z Jirkova dvora
ZOOB z Jirkova dvora
ZOOB z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of ZOOB z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of ZOOB z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
ZOOB z Jirkova dvora is owned by Mr. Lunding Remco in Netherlands. ZOOB belongs to the last few German Shepherds that are significant with traditional traits and features for which was German Shepherd bred by Mr. Stephanitz.
At first sight it is evident that ZOOB has strong bones, firm body conformation, proportional balance, dark pigmentation, unmistakeable stud expression and strong temperament. Among his most significant temperament traits belong incorruptibility, easy
trainability, willingness to work for his handler, excelent tracking ability, real protection combined with territorial behavior. ZOOB is trained on regular basis. He is trained in sport and at the same time he trains in real situations along with Dutch Police dogs.
ZOOB belongs after his father CARO z Jirkova dvora and mother EPY z Jirkova dvora to the 2nd bloodline. In his pedigree ALF v. Nordfelsen is present several times also from the side lines. The blood of ALF ran in the blood of many service dogs that were used
at service by Pohranicni straz and Czech Police. These dogs were proven by real life situations and as significant individuals they were used for breeding at z Pohranicni straze and Police kennels. From the dam's side of ZOOB's pedigree there are dogs from
5th bloodline namely from the former DDR branch that was founded by legendary INGO v. Rudingen and so his blood is refreshed by such dogs as MANTO v. Kahlenbach, HELD v. Ritterberg, EMIL z Pohranièní straze. ZOOB can be called Czech dog because of his bloodlines. His first
3 generations in his pedigree originates in the breeding programs of Czech or Slovak Republic. For the above reasons we plan to use ZOOB in our breeding program.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Chari z Esagilu - CARO z Jirkova dvora - ZOOB z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures
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A'BRUNO pod Blanikem, UMR IPO3, UMMCKNO IPO3 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JY1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
A'BRUNO pod Blanikem
A'BRUNO pod Blanikem
A'BRUNO pod Blanikem
A'BRUNO pod Blanikem
A'BRUNO pod Blanikem
A'BRUNO pod Blanikem
A'BRUNO pod Blanikem
A'BRUNO pod Blanikem
A'BRUNO pod Blanikem
A'BRUNO pod Blanikem
Pedigree of A'BRUNO pod Blanikem
Pedigree of A'BRUNO pod Blanikem
Description of the dog
A'BRUNO belongs from the side of his sire KERY Kamos Durabo to the 2nd blood line. Therefore he comes from the world renowned working branch founded by FERO vom Zeuterner Himmelreich. FERO is represented in the pedigrees of
90% of west German dogs that compete at international IPO3 competitions.
A'BRUNO's dam DRAGA z Vrchlickeho navrsi also belongs to the 2nd bloodline namely to the world renowned branch founded by MUTZ v.d. Pelztierfarm, JONNY v.d. Rheinhalle, CANTO v. Amikos, FEDO Quercus, ZORO v.d. Wildsau, BARO v. Kreutzschauer Land,
QUANTO Jipo Me and ZEN z Jirkova dvora.
The side lines of his pedigree are also predominantly represented by dogs belonging to the 2nd bloodline. A'BRUNO is also in line strenghtened 3-3 on FURO Kamos.
A'BRUNO's bloodlines make him a great prospect for at least national level competitions. He will certainly be a significant producer of dogs not only for sport but also
for hard police work with regards to his clear head and at the same time required hardness, passionate retrieve drive, strong defence drive and overall willingness to work.
A'BRUNO has completed his IPO3 titled at the age of 2.5 years with 90/91/92 points.
A'BRUNO is so far the most typical offspring of his father KERY Kamos Durabo whose blood is strengthened within the 2nd blooline. This fact offeres guarantee of is large hereditary strength.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - Kery Kamos Durabo - A'BRUNO pod Blanikem.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Moody z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: IPO3, BH, UMR |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5VQ1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
MOODY z Jirkova dvora
MOODY z Jirkova dvora
MOODY z Jirkova dvora
MOODY z Jirkova dvora
MOODY z Jirkova dvora
MOODY z Jirkova dvora
MOODY z Jirkova dvora
MOODY z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of MOODY z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of MOODY z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
MOODY belongs to the 2nd bloodline both from his sire's and dam's sides. His father's branch comes from world renowned former DDR dogs from which the most used ones in the Czech breeding programs were
LOGAN Onyx, EX od Schmidtu, VILMAR z Marusky, AJO Ja-Kra, CAR pod Molnosskou banou, CORDON An-Sat, ORI z Danaru, FURO Kamos, PIKO Bret Bett, ART ze Sumavske doliny. Most of these ancestors excelled with their working abilities,
gorgeous black sable color that combined with very nice body conformation. Yet CAR, CORDON, ORI and FURO were widely used at the Police and z Pohranicni straze kennels in the former Czechoslovakia.
Ancestors of his mother also comes from 2nd bloodline but from West German working branch. Among the most renowned ancestors from this side belong ALF v. Nordfelsen, X X X, FERO v. Zeuterner Himmelreich, TROLL v.d. Bosen Nachbarschaft,
ALY v. Vordersteinwald, SIRK v. Belchen, JAGUAR Aritar Bastet, PANTER Aritar Bastet. The blood of FERO circulates in 90% of working dogs in West Europe that are competing at World level.
MOODY himself is very elegantly built, has gorgeous black sable color with correct bone strength and strong yet noble head. MOODY is a dog with high energy level, great working drives that loves to do all 3 phases. He loves tracking the same way as
obedience and protection. MOODY is a dog that can be easily controlled with normal social behavior and strong play drive.
We expect MOODY to usefully compliment the rich collection of stud dogs coming from 2nd bloodline used by JINOPO. Further we expect MOODY to strengthen the working abilities and correct type of working GSDs representing the Czech breedings. He can be
used everywhere where there is a lack of working willingness, dark pigmentation and strength of bones.
- pedigree
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Gundo vom Stolper-Land - Greif v. Felsenstein - Logan Onyx - Ex od Schmidtu -
Vilmar z Marusky - Ajo Ja-Kra - Car pod Molnosskou banou - Cordon An-Sat - Ori z Danaru - Furo Kamos - Piko Bret Bett - ART ze Sumavske doliny - MOODY z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Jack Daniels z Neiberku |
Titled:ZVV1 /90,94,100/, ZVV2 /98,90,99/, ZVV3 /98,86/95/ |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5CX1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Pedigree of JACK DANIELS z Neiberku
Pedigree of JACK DANIELS z Neiberku
Description of the dog
JACK DANIELS comes from 5th sire's blood line via his fatehr HON z Pohranicni straze (z PS), namely from the world renowned working branch of former DDR - ROLF Osnabrucker Land, X, ALLI vom Granert, X, DRUSSUS vom Falkenwappen, X, GEIER vom
Baruther Land, BODO vom Winkel, CAESAR vom Ragental, BACK Samotar, EDY z Dunajova sadu , KLEN SNB, JEFF z Daskonu a HON z Pohranièní straze.
From his dam's line he's also carring blood of 5th blood line via his mother SAABA z Daskonu also namely from the world working branch of former DDR - ROLF Osnabrucker Land, X, ALLI vom Granert, X, BERO vom Krugers –Hof, BILL, vom Fasenhof ,
QUAX vom Haus Holland, INGO von Rudingen, X, X, ORRY von haus Antverpa, QERRY von haus Antverpa, TOM Vant Leefdalhof, ELLUTE v.d.Mohnwiese, BONGO Vikar a SAABA z Daskonu.
It is generally known that major part of these dogs has bene very succesful at the top national and international competitions. From his ancestors JACK received his intelligence level, great working drives to do any type of work with his handler with big endurance
and tenacity with corresponding hardness and necessary health. For these precious traits he's been included into the breeding program of JINOPO. Because of his blood stability we expect that he will be a significant producer of healthy and hard working dogs.
JACK is suitable to be used everywhere where the females are missing the above mentioned temperament traits and also to improve the pigmentation of coat, especially the yellow-red color marks.
- pedigree
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Gränert - Barry vom Andershofer Ufer - Drusus vom Falkenwappen - Geier vom Baruther Land -
Bodo vom Winkel - Caesar vom Rangetal - Back Samotar - Edy z Dunajova sadu - Klen SNB - Jeff z Daskonu - Hon z Pohranicni straze - JACK DANIELS z Neiberku.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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GAO z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1, ZVV2, ZVV3, BH, IPO1, IPG3, FPr1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JVQ1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
GAO z Jirkova dvora
GAO z Jirkova dvora
GAO z Jirkova dvora
GAO z Jirkova dvora
GAO z Jirkova dvora
GAO z Jirkova dvora
GAO z Jirkova dvora
GAO z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of GAO z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of GAO z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
GAO belongs from his sire KENN Jipo Me's side to the 2nd blood line namely to the world renowned working branch founded by FERO v. d. Zeuterner Himmelreich. FERO is a famous producer of wide range of dogs that competed at
WUSV World Championships. Only few West European dogs at World Championship don't have FERO somewhere in their pedigree. These dogs are known for their strong bones, dark pigmentation, ability to start working quickly, their speed and hardness in protection.
Another of their assets is that they are able to swith off after the training and rest and focus on their upcoming work.
From his dam's side GAO also belongs to the 2nd blood line namely to the branch of famous DDR working dogs such as ALF Nordfelsen x GREIF v. Felsenstein, LOGAN Onyx, EX od Smithu, VILMAR z Marusky, CAR pod Molnosskou Banou, CONDOR An-Sat, ORI z Danaru,
FURO Kamos, EX z Jirkova dvora a EMINA z Jirkova dvora. The whole range of these dogs competed several times at ZVV3 Czechoslovak National Championship, so called 500 pointer. These dogs were also ancestors of dogs that were used at Police or were themselves Police dogs.
GAO is a product of 2nd bloodline and is in line strengthened 3-4-4 on FURO Kamos. This is evident in his comformation and temperament. GAO is absolutely hard dog but at the same time willing to work. He loves ball. He is able to do old tracks in different terrain types.
His protection is absolutely real. He takes decoy as a prey in his whole complexity. At the same time he can be controlled. He loves doing protection inside the building where he takes this room as a territory that he is determined to protect against anybody.
GAO is also a dog with quality comformation and his elegance and movement can easily compete with dogs coming from show lines. GAO is a dog that was never trained until March 2017 and from that time he completed ZVV1 title and will complete more titles in 2018.
GAO is suitable to be used everywhere where there is need to improve strength and feeling for protection and overall self confidence of progeny.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - Kery Kamos Durabo - Kenn Jipo Me - GAO z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Zako Max z Jirkova dvora |
Titled:ZVV3 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JQV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora
ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora
ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora
ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora
ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora
ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora
ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora
ELLY z Jirkova dvora won most promising beginner at club awards in the UK
Description of the dog
ZAKO MAX z Jirkova dvora belongs from his sire's side (OX z Jirkova dvora) to the 4th bloodline. He represents already 8th generation of dogs bred in the Czech Republic. His mother LEA z Jirkova dvora
is a representative of 3rd blood line and belongs to the 7th generation of dogs bred in the Czech Republic. ZAKO MAX can be therefore considered a dog coming purely from Czech bloodlines. His type is closer to his father's bloodline. His fighting drive and hardness
is solidified from both sire's and dam's side. His reliability in tracking comes from in line breeding 3-3 on DARGO Ha-Ja-Da. ZAKO MAX's temperament is resembles strong service dogs used by Police and Military. ZAKO MAX has
completed his ZVV3 title already at the age of 2.5 years.
ZAKO MAX is suitable to be used on females that need to improve fighting drive, self confidence, pigmentation and bone strength. ZAKO MAX's sister ZUZA is also used at JINOPO's breeding program.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Ox z Jirkova dvora - Zako Max z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Sarko z Jirkova dvora |
Titled:ZM, BH, ZZO, ZVV1, IPO3 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JQV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
SARKO z Jirkova dvora
SARKO z Jirkova dvora
SARKO z Jirkova dvora
SARKO z Jirkova dvora
SARKO z Jirkova dvora
SARKO z Jirkova dvora
SARKO z Jirkova dvora
SARKO z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of SARKO z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of SARKO z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
SARKO belongs from his sire's side to the 5th bloodline, namely to the famous working branch that was founded by INGO v. Rudingen via ORY v. Haus Antverpa, TOM van t'Leefdaalhof, VITO Waldvinkel, BADY ze Svobodneho dvora.
From his dam's side he belongs to the 2nd bloodline namely to the world renowned West German working branch founded by FERO v.d. Zeuterner Himmelreich, via SIRK v. Belchen, JAGUAR Aritar Bastet, CHARI z Esagilu.
SARKO as far as his type is concerned is more similarly looking like his mother's father CHARI z Esagilu. As far as his temperament is concerned SARKO is a dog with lots of energy that loves to do all the work and at the same time he is a dog that is absolutely
problem free and has very pleasant temperament towards his handler. His training is done by elderly experienced trainer that manages to work with SARKO without any problems. SARKO is suitable to be used everywhere where there is need to improve the body
conformation, working traits and where there is need for calmer heads. At the same time SARKO will improve health and black sable coloring of his progeny.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Vito v. Waldwinkel - Bady ze Svobodneho dvora - Bill Jipo Me - Sarko z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Idoll z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1, BH, IPO1, IPO2, IPO3 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: ED: 1/1, HD: 0/0, DNA |
IDOLL z Jirkova dvora
IDOLL z Jirkova dvora
IDOLL z Jirkova dvora
IDOLL z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of IDOLL z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of IDOLL z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
IDOLL belongs from his sire's side (IBON Jipo-Me) to the 2nd bloodline namely to the world renowned working branch founded by FERO vom Zeuterner Himmelreich. From his dam's side (ZUZA z Jirkova dvora) he belongs to the 4th bloodline namely to the
branch best known in Czech Republic by representation of GERO z Blatenskeho zamku, XAC z PS, RENO Jipo-Me, OX z Jirkova dvora.
XANT z Jirkova dvora is represented in his pedigree twice and DARGO Ha-Ja-Da three times. IDOLL is a improved version of DARGO Ha-Ja-DA as far as body conformation and mainly color. From DARGO he inherited medium size which is ideal for sport type of dog.
He also inherited huge willingness to work.
His drives are high, his temperament and willingness to work are very high. Exactly as was case with DARGO.
From bloodlines point of view IDOLL is purely Czech dog. In his 3 generations of ancestors there are all dogs that were bred in the Czech Republic.
We expectd IDOLL to produce not only his type and color but also his excellent temperament.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - Kery Kamos Durabo - Ibon Jipo Me - IDOLL z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Eiko von der Magie |
Titled:ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JY1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
EIKO von der Magie
EIKO von der Magie
EIKO von der Magie
EIKO von der Magie
EIKO von der Magie
EIKO von der Magie
Pedigree of EIKO von der Magie
Pedigree of EIKO von der Magie
Pedigree of EIKO von der Magie
Description of the dog
EIKO belongs from his sire's side (DANJO vom Lepperhof) to the 5th blood line namely to the working branch of former DDR. From her dam's side (JAZZ Birnejan) he belongs to the 3rd blood line also former DDR working branch.
EIKO resembles fully the type of his father. As for his temperament he is self confident male with strong prey, defence and play drives. EIKO is a passionate retriever and protection dog. He does obedience very fast with big passion. With frequent rewards
with ball he becomes oblivious to the handler. EIKO has wide range of use. From law enforcement to personal protection to top sport. We believe that he will be frequently used stud dog. He is suitable to be used everywhere where there is need to improve
energy level, willingness to work and also resistance to hander.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Donner zu den Sieben-Faulen - Yasko von der Tide - Lex vom Drei-Kinder-Haus - Vello zu den Sieben-Faulen - Bernd vom Lierberg -
Pushkaß vom Haus Himpel - Falk von der Gundorfer Höhe - Pascha vom Glockeneck - Olf vom Heidetal - Dino vom Sylbacher Wald - Asko von der Lutter - Dasko vom Wolfsblick - Danjo vom Lepperhof - Eiko von der Magie.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Aram Tufra |
Titled:BH, ZVV1, IPO2 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1. class 5JCVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
ARAM Tufra
ARAM Tufra
ARAM Tufra
ARAM Tufra
ARAM Tufra
ARAM Tufra
Pedigree of ARAM Tufra
Pedigree of ARAM Tufra
Description of the dog
ARAM comes from a large litter of pups produced by JAGO Jipo Me and LEA z Jirkova dvora. From his sire's side he belongs to the 4th blood line. From his dam's side he belongs to the 3rd blood line. In the 3rd generation
he is in line strengthened twice on DARGO Ha-Ja-Da. In the 4th generation he's strengthened three times on GERO z Blatenskeho zamku. From his father and grand father he inherited imposing black sable color and passion for work. From his mother he inherited
type and massive size. ARAM is a representative of strength, hugeness and elegance combined with excellent working temperament with strong nerves and clear head. ARAM is a type of dog that was produced formerly at z Pohranicni straze kennel.
Because of his bloodlines we can assume that he will be dominant in breeding and will pass his type, color and temperament onto his progeny. Currently ARAM is being trained for higher working titles and therefore he will be used solely at Jinopo breeding program
in the years 2015 -2016.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Jago Jipo Me - Aram Tufra.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Thomas Jipo Me |
Titled:ZVV1 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 2nd class 5CVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: ED: 1/1, HD: 0/0, DNA |
Pedigree of THOMAS Jipo Me
Pedigree of THOMAS Jipo Me
Description of the dog
THOMAS is a last son of famous stud dog JAGO Jipo Me thus belonging to the 4th sire's blood line. From his father he inherited huge head and gorgeous black sable color.
From his dam's side ZAKIRA Jipo Me he belongs to the 5th bloodline and namely to the famous working former DDR branch founded by ORI v. Haus Antverpa. THOMAS is a dog with excellent working pedigree.
THOMAS can be used everywhere where there is need to improve color, short hair and natural aggression.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Jago Jipo Me - Thomas Jipo Me.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Jokas z Jirkova dvora |
Titled:BH, ZVV3, IPO3, FPr 1, SPr 1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JXQ1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
JOKAS z Jirkova dvora
JOKAS z Jirkova dvora
JOKAS z Jirkova dvora
JOKAS z Jirkova dvora
JOKAS z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of JOKAS z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of JOKAS z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
JOKAS is as far as bloolines product of 2nd bloodline. At the same time he's in line strengthened 4-4-5 on GRIM z Pohranicni straze.
JOKAS has a temperament of his father KERY Kamos Durabo. He is balanced, clear headed, confident in every situation and environment. He has a strong retrieve drive with strong prey and defence drives. JOKAS is a switch on/switch off type of dog that is able
to rest and immediatelly ready to work. JOKAS is a versatile type of dog that depending on his training can be developed into family protection dog, S&R dog or Law Enforcement dog. We want to use JOKAS in our breeding program everywhere where
there is need to strengthen nerves, improve pigmentation and strength of bones. He should also be an improver of elbows and hips of his progeny.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - Kery Kamos Durabo - JOKAS z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Ibon Jipo-Me |
Titled: ZVV1, ZPO1, BH, IPO3 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5VQ1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
IBON Jipo-Me
IBON Jipo-Me
IBON Jipo Me
IBON Jipo Me
IBON Jipo Me
IBON Jipo Me
IBON Jipo Me
IBON Jipo Me
Pedigree of IBON Jipo Me
Pedigree of IBON Jipo Me
Description of the dog
IBON belongs to the 2nd bloodline from his sire's (KERY Kamos Durabo) side and he belongs namely to the branch that was founded by FERO v. Zeuterner Himmelreich. From his dam's (MASA Jipo Me) side he carries very significant
working blood of 3rd bloodline through the following dogs GRIM z Pohranièné stráže, DARGO Ha-Ja-Da and XANT z Jirkova dvora. IBON is a product of inline breeding 4:5:5 on GRIM z Pohranièní stráže. Among his significant ancestors within the 4 generations of his pedigree
belong Slovak Champion and 5* World Championship contestant NORBO Ben-Ju, 2* Czech Republic contestant BARO v. Kuhlen Norden, FCI World Championship contestant SIRK v. Belchen
IBON is large according to the standard with tons of energy. He is willing to do any work with his handler. IBON is a dog with clear head but at the same time with very high prey and defence drives. These two drives are 50/50 mutually balanced.
IBON has also great social behavior.
From his father he inherited on/off effect and therefore he's able to rest and get activated for the top performance immediately.
From his mother's side ancestors he inherited the ability of concentrated focus while tracking. From DARGO Ha-Ja-Da he inherited absolutely fast, strong and exact protection including final guarding.
We still continue the training of IBON and we plan to compete with him on National level.
IBOn can be used everywhere where there is a need to improve working drives of the progeny, to improve energy level and hardness necessary for protection. He is also suitable to be used everywhere where there is need to improve the color of the pigmentation
and overall health.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - Kery Kamos Durabo IBON Jipo Me.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Kenn Jipo Me |
Titled: IPO3, BH, ucastnik/competitor MCR IPO3 2015, MMCKNO 2015 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JVQ1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
KENN Jipo Me
KEMN Jipo Me
KENN Jipo Me
KENN Jipo Me
KENN Jipo Me
Pedigree of KENN Jipo Me
Pedigree of KENN Jipo Me
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet - KERY Kamos Durabo - KENN Jipo Me.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Bill Jipo Me |
Titled:ZM, ZVV2, ZPO1, IPO2 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5VQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
BILL Jipo Me
BILL Jipo Me
BILL Jipo Me
BILL Jipo Me
Pedigree of BILL Jipo Me
Pedigree of BILL Jipo Me
Description of the dog
BILL belongs after his father BADY ze Svobodneho dvora to the 5th blood line. From his mother HANACH Jipo-Me he belongs to the 4th bloodline. He is inline strengthened 4-4 on GRIM z Pohranicni straze.
BILL is large, strong, well conformed male with dark pigmentation and great working drives. We expect that he will pass on his progeny the working type including strong bones and strong nerves.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Vito v. Waldwinkel - Bady ze Svobodneho dvora - Bill Jipo Me.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Nick z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV2, IPO2, BH, FPr1, SPr2 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1 class 5VQ1/P /?echo (showRefTable($lang));?> |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
NICK z Jirkova dvora
NICK z Jirkova dvora
NICK z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of NICK z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of NICK z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
NICK z Jirkova dvora belongs to the 3rd sire's blood line namely via world renowned dogs GRIM z Pohranicni straze that competed at WUSV world championship, DARGO Ha-Ja-DA that competed twice at National Championship. ATILA z Kociciho dvora
that competed at National Championship, PARDAL z Jirkova dvora IPO3 and ZVV2 dog.
From his dam's side he belongs to the 5th blood line also via world famous former DDR blood - TREU v. Schaeferstolz, VOLF z Pohranicni straze, EMIL z Pohranicni straze, CHULIGAN z Pohranicni straze, PLUTO z Pohranicni straze, NAVAR Hronovsky pramen
NICK himself is a very agile dog, very perceptive dog with top prey and defence drives. At the age of 22 months he has completed 6 working titles. NICK also has excllent traits for tracking. This come from DARGO Ha-Ja-Da. NICK excells with overall strength and black sable color.
His sexual drive is also in order.
NICK is suitable everywhere where the females are lacking enough pigmentation, where there is a need to improve oveall strength of body and impove the pigmentation. His mating partners can have blood continuity on sire's and dam's lines.
- /?echo (showPdgr($lang));?>
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/?echo (showFather($lang));?>: KLODO Boxberg -
CURT v. Herzog Hedan - Odin vom Stolzenfels - Arno von der Schwabenheimat - Kuno von Alt Babenberg - Arno von der Bildhauergilde - Cito vom Coburger Land - Arras vom Adam-Riesezwinger - KLODO a.d. Eremitenklause - ARMIN Sultannschlucht
- ENNO vom Haus Schuöcker - CHULIGAN z Bozkovstejna - ARGO Agar - BEN z Bolfu - GRIM z Pohranicni straze - DARGO HA JA DA - ATILA z Kociciho dvora - PARDAL z Jirkova dvora - NICK z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Nero z Udoli Ediny |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JY1/P |
Elbows,hips: elbows: 0/0, hips: 1/1, DNA |
NERO z Udoli Ediny
NERO z Udoli Ediny
NERO z Udoli Ediny
NERO z Udoli Ediny
Pedigree of NERO z Udoli Ediny
Pedigree of NERO z Udoli Ediny
Description of the dog
NERO is representing 2nd blood line of his sire PIKO Bret Bett. From his dam's side he belongs to the 5th blood line (PLUTO z PS). NERO is a gorgeous large strong and robust solid black male with extremely black eye.
NERO belongs among the dogs that bite mainly from defense drive (about 65%) and roughly in 35% from prey drive. NERO is an excellent tracking and protection dog. He is typical service dog in obedience.
NERO can be used everywhere where there's need to improve stud expression, pigmentation and seriousness.
He should be used everywhere where there's need to add aggression to where it was already replaced by hunt and prey drives. To use NERO in breeding program means the return to the service qualities of GSD.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Gundo vom Stolper-Land - Greif v. Felsenstein - Logan Onyx - Ex od Schmidtu -
Vilmar z Marusky - Ajo Ja-Kra - Car pod Molnosskou banou - Cordon An-Sat - Ori z Danaru - Furo Kamos - Piko Bret Bett - NERO z Udoli Ediny.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Sharon Favory Cross |
Titled:BH, VPG1, IPO3 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
SHARON Favory Cross
SHARON Favory Cross
SHARON Favory Cross
Pedigree of SHARON Favory Cross
Pedigree of SHARON Favory Cross
Description of the dog
SHARON belongs to the 5th bloodline from his father's side and namely to the famous DDR branch via INGO v. Rudingen. This branch was enriched by blood of excellent Dutch dams from purely working line.
From her mother's side he belongs to the well known 2nd bloodline, namely to the branch via world renowned working dog FERO vom Zeuterner Himmelreich enriched by valuable blood of working females coming from Equidius kennel. This blood line gives the
possibility to the breeders to follow up on sport dogs and also working dogs succesfully proven by service.
SHARON himself is more than medium large and strong male, elegantly conformed, absolutely firm, persistant with great willingness to work and with so called clear head.
SHARON comes from a very succesfull litter:
We expect that SHARON will improve health, working abilities, durability and last but not least the type. Thus being a great asset to our breeding program of sport and working dogs.
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Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Gringo v.d. Mohnwiese - Charik Galan Nalag - Sharon Favory Cross.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Jago Jipo-Me competitor at 2011 WUSV World Championship |
Titled: ZVV2, IPO3, ZPO1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 2. class 4CVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
JAGO Jipo Me
JAGO Jipo Me
JAGO Jipo Me
Pedigree of JAGO Jipo Me
Pedigree of JAGO Jipo Me
- progeny:
Description of the dog
JAGO is a typical representative of his father RENO Jipo Me from whom he inherited bone strength, stud expression and dark sable color. Sizewise he fully belongs to the standard of working type GSD. JAGO is an energetic dog but at the same time he's fully
social with willingness to work. JAGO is a strong protection dog and he also loves to play with the ball.
We expect JAGO to produce puppies with strong bones, dark pigmentation and lots of energy. His progeny will be suitable for top sport as well as demanding Law Enforcement work.
JAGO belongs to 4th sire's bloodline. From the side of his mother he belongs to the 3rd bloodline.
- pedigree
- WUSV Kyiv 2011
- video
- video 1
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Jago Jipo Me.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Arno z Petrova |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
ARNO z Petrova
ARNO z Petrova
ARNO z Petrova
ARNO z Petrova
ARNO z Petrova
ARNO z Petrova
Pedigree of ARNO z Petrova
Pedigree of ARNO z Petrova
- progeny:
Description of the dog
ARNO belongs to the 6th bloodline from his sire LARY Bret Bett. He inherited high inteligence and speed from his father. From his dam's side he belongs to the 5th bloodline.
ARNO is gorgeous medium large dark sable male. His body conformation and temperament predetermine him for sport. ARNO loves tracking, is very willing to do obedience and his protection is very fast with required
stregth. ARNO is suitable mainly to be used for breeding hard female where there's need to improve the willingness to work for human in her progeny. He is also suitable to be used for females with high withers height.
ARNO can be also used for improving pigmentation of the progeny.
- pedigree
- video
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Baron v. d. Deutschen Werken - Wiegand v. Blasienberg -
Gockel v. Bern - Ingo v. Piastendamm - Claus v. Piastenturm - Utz v. Haus Hiller - Gero a.d. Jurgensklause - Groll v. Quowitzstadt - Lux Sibrin -
Arko z Vytune - Dar z Przma - Drago z Humnan - Cir z Vrtovske doliny - Abbe z Ansy - Gero Chmelovy kvitek - Cak Pisecna boure - Lary Bret Bett -
Arno z Petrova.... Sire’s line in pictures |
Orion z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV3, IPO3, BH |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JX1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
ORION z Jirkova dvora
ORION z Jirkova dvora
ORION z Jirkova dvora
ORION z Jirkova dvora
ORION z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of ORION z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of ORION z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
ORION bears striking resemblance to his father ZEN z Jirkova dvora and grandfather QUANTO Jipo Me. At the moment ORION is a young male that is genetically strengthened on 2nd bloodline from both sire's and dam's sides.
ORION is self confident in any environment and situation. He is very willing to work and loves ball and sleeve. In his pedigree there are males with strong genetics (ZEN, QUANTO, BARO, PLUTO, CHULIGAN, BALLI, PIKO, FURO, ORI, XANT, DARGO, GRIM).
ORION can be used to improve pigmentation, self-reliance and intelligence. ORION is still being worked with to acquire higher level titles. As his first partner we selected KETTY Kamos Durabo, sister of KERY Kamos Durabo. The breeding will be in line 3-4 on FURO Kamos.
- pedigree
- video
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - HELD v. Haus Elkemann - Axel v. d. Pelztierfarm -
MUTZ v.d.Pelztierfarm - Jonny v. d. Rheinhalle - Jupp v. d. Haller Farm - Canto v. Amicos - Fedo Quercus -
Zorro v. d. Wildsau - Baro v. Kreutzschauer Land - Quanto Jipo-Me - ZEN z Jirkova dvora - ORION z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Dask z Jirkova dvora |
Titled:ZVV2 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
DASK z Jirkova dvora
DASK z Jirkova dvora
DASK z Jirkova dvora
DASK z Jirkova dvora
DASK z Jirkova dvora
DASK z Jirkova dvora
DASK z Jirkova dvora
DASK z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of DASK z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of DASK z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
DASK belongs from him sire CARLY Policia Slovakia and also his dam BRYTA z Ajkinej nadeje to the 5th bloodline. He is genetically strengthened in line breeding on INGO v. Rudingen. Please note that this branch is very
succesfully used in a production of dogs for top sport. However DASK has inherited his temperament from his father and this temperament is not a sport one at all. DASK has a temperament of pure service dog. He is self confident, dominant, has excellent
nose. His obedience is good but his main domain is his protection!! He loves to bite everything and everywhere. He doesn't have problem to attack his own handler if he believes that he was punished unnecessarily.
DASK should be mainly used for the production of strong service dogs that are willing to flight and die for their handler. I have had chance to see couple of his litter mates. Their temperament was almost identical. They all are also extremely healthy.
DASK's first breeding in our breeding program (May 2012) is CHYTA z Jirkova dvora, daughter of NAVAR Hronovsky pramen. We expect healthy strong progeny with potential to be used for personal protection and law enforcement.
- pedigree
- video
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Sero v. Haus Antverpa - Hanibal Eqidius - Carly Policia Slovakia - Dask z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Kery Kamos Durabo |
Titled: ZVV2, IPO3, SchH/VPG1, ZPS1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JY1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
KERY Kamos Durabo
KERY Kamos Durabo
KERY Kamos Durabo
KERY Kamos Durabo
KERY Kamos Durabo
KERY Kamos Durabo
KERY Kamos Durabo - V6 in working class at Czech Sieger Show in Roudnice/Labem.
KERY Kamos Durabo - V6 in working class at Czech Sieger Show in Roudnice/Labem.
KERY Kamos Durabo - Czech Sieger Show in Policka.
Pedigree of KERY Kamos Durabo
Pedigree of KERY Kamos Durabo
- progeny:
Description of the dog
KERY is a typical representative of desirable working type German Shepherd dog. KERY is a outstanding stud dog with strong bones, strong well shaped head, dark pigmented color and high energy level and high working
drives for any type of work with his handler. His energy level is strong but not crazy. KERY is capable of long concentration for exercises requiring calmness and persistence. KERY is currently being trained and we expect him to complete
all 3rd level titles in next 2 years. From his sire's and dam's sides he belongs to the 2nd bloodline. Further there is a strong representation of a 3rd bloolines among his ancestors via XERO z PS and GRIM z PS. KERY's bloodline and temperament
enable him to be used everywhere where there's need to improve the type, pigmentation and strengthen the vitality and working drives of the dogs. We are looking forward using KERY on our females at JINOPO.
- pedigree
- video
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Panter Aritar Bastet KERY Kamos Durabo.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Caro z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: BH, SVV1, IPO2 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV5/55 |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
CARO z Jirkova dvora
CARO z Jirkova dvora
CARO z Jirkova dvora
CARO z Jirkova dvora
CARO z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of CARO z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of CARO z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
CARO has returned to Jinopo in July 2013. He is already second male whelped by MANKA z Jirkova dvora that will be used in our breeding program. CARO belongs from both his sire's and mother's sides to the 2nd bloodline.
From his father he inherited attractiveness of working type and required hardness. His mother has had great impact in creation of his temperament. He inherited from her the huge working drives. He easily gets used to the new environments and he has
overall balanced temperament with so called clear head. CARO loves all 3 phases of training, has strong hunt, prey and defence drives. These drives are in balanced ratio. His main domain is protection. He bites in different environments on sleeve,
bite suit and hidden sleeve. His protection is absolutely hard, fast with full and strong bites. We expect CARO to produce strong, healthy, attractive and balanced progeny.
- pedigree
- video
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - Chari z Esagilu - CARO z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Xebo z Golha |
Titled: ZVV2 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JX1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, 1/1, DNA |
XEBO z Jirkova dvora
XEBO z Golha
XEBO z Golha
XEBO z Golha
XEBO z Golha
Pedigree of XEBO z Golha
Pedigree of XEBO z Golha
Description of the dog
XEBO comes from 2nd blood line from his sire ZEN z Jirkova dvora and namely from the branch that was founded by his famous ancestor dog MUTZ v.d. Pelztierfarm. From his dam's side he belongs to the 4th bloodline via GERO z Blatenskeho zamku then XAC z PS,
RENO Jipo-Me, OX z Jirkova dvora. XEBO is a gorgeous strong imposingly looking male with high intelligence and easy controllability. His tracking is confident and he can cope with various difficulties. His protection is fast, he jumps from far and his bites
are full. When the decoy levels up the pressure XEBO levels up his aggression. XEBO can be used everywhere where there is a need to strengthen the bone structure and also where there is a need to balance the temperament.
- pedigree
- video
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - HELD v. Haus Elkemann - Axel v. d. Pelztierfarm -
MUTZ v.d.Pelztierfarm - Jonny v. d. Rheinhalle - Jupp v. d. Haller Farm - Canto v. Amicos - Fedo Quercus -
Zorro v. d. Wildsau - Baro v. Kreutzschauer Land - Quanto Jipo-Me - ZEN z Jirkova dvora - XEBO z Golha.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Ox z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1, IPO3 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1.class 5JVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
OX z Jirkova dvora
OX z Jirkova dvora
OX z Jirkova dvora
OX z Jirkova dvora
OX z Jirkova dvora
OX z Jirkova dvora
OX z Jirkova dvora
OX z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of OX z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of OX z Jirkova dvora
- progeny:
Description of the dog
OX is a very typical son of RENO Jipo Me and thus belongs to 4th sire's blood line. From his dam's side he belongs to the 3rd blood line. Among his most significant ancestors are
XAC z PS, GERO z Blatenského zámku, BARO v. Kuhlen Norden, CORDON An-Sat, DARGO Ha-Ja-Da, GRIM z PS, QUASY v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft a BACK Romal.
OX is a male with typical stud expression, strong bones, very strong head with strong lower jaw. OX has excellent dark pigmentation and also excellent usable disposition.
OX has very nice obedience, strong ball drive, very strong protection and big tracking drive.
OX can be used for improving strong bones, color and self confidence of the females.
- pedigree
- video
- video 1
- Policka 2010
- video 2
- CACIT 2011
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Utz v. Haus Schutting - Hussan v. Haus Schutting - Brando vom Heidelbeerberg - Odo zu den Sieben-Faulen - Billo vom Oberviehland -
HEIN v. Richterbach - Casar v. Malmansheide - Elch v. Wienerau - Zack v. Silberhals - Mix z Basileje - Dantes Clark -
Dax Namelev - Omar z Blatenskeho zamku - Gero z Blatenskeho zamku - Xac z PS - Reno Jipo Me - Ox z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Art ze Sumavske doliny |
Titled: SchH1, IPO3 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JY1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
ART ze Sumavske doliny
ART ze Sumavske doliny
ART ze Sumavske doliny
Pedigree of ART ze Sumavske doliny
Description of the dog
ART is the typical son of his father PIKO Bret Bett. ART is elegant, huge, self confident male that is always sure of himself in any type of situation and has a clear head. ART belongs to the 2nd sire's line and to a world renown branch via
one of the hardest dogs CORDON An-Sat. From his dam's line he carries the blood of 5th bloodline namely the branch of INGO v. Rudingen, VIKTOR Edelquele, DIN z PS and ZAR z PS. His genetical equipment is a guarantee that he will produce mainly dogs suitable for Law Enforcement.
They will be dogs with huge bones, strong head, incorruptible, hard with great nose and real protection.
- pedigree
- video
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Gundo vom Stolper-Land - Greif v. Felsenstein - Logan Onyx - Ex od Schmidtu -
Vilmar z Marusky - Ajo Ja-Kra - Car pod Molnosskou banou - Cordon An-Sat - Ori z Danaru - Furo Kamos - Piko Bret Bett - ART ze Sumavske doliny.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Zen z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV2, IPO3 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 7JXQ1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, 1/1, DNA |
ZEN z Jirkova dvora
ZEN z Jirkova dvora
ZEN z Jirkova dvora
ZEN z Jirkova dvora
ZEN z Jirkova dvora
ZEN z Jirkova dvora
ZEN z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of ZEN z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of ZEN z Jirkova dvora
- progeny:
Description of the dog
ZEN is a typical representative of his sire QUANTO Jipo Me and therefore belongs to the 2nd blood line. From his dam's side he belongs to the 5th bloodline. ZEN is tall large strong typical stud with huge head
and nice conformation. ZEN has very hard protection, very nice obedience and he is a passionate tracking dog. He inherited these qualities from his father. We expect ZEN to produce healthy and strong
progeny with wide range of use, mainly suitable for Law Enforcement. ZEN is suitable to be used for smaller sized females where there is need to improve nerves, stud expression and pigmentation.
- pedigree
- video
- Chodov 2009
- Policka 2010
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - HELD v. Haus Elkemann - Axel v. d. Pelztierfarm -
MUTZ v.d.Pelztierfarm - Jonny v. d. Rheinhalle - Jupp v. d. Haller Farm - Canto v. Amicos - Fedo Quercus -
Zorro v. d. Wildsau - Baro v. Kreutzschauer Land - Quanto Jipo-Me - ZEN z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Pard z Jirkova dvora |
Titled: ZVV1, IPO3, ZOP, ZZO, ZPU1, ZPO1, FPR2, ZPS1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 2nd class 5CX1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
PARD z Jirkova dvora
PARD z Jirkova dvora
PARD z Jirkova dvora
PARD z Jirkova dvora
PARD z Jirkova dvora
PARD z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of PARD z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of PARD z Jirkova dvora
- progeny:
Description of the dog
PARD z Jirkova dvora is a member of 2nd sire's bloodline. PARD is medium large male with strong bones, required pigmentation a strong nerves. PARD is one of the last real dogs. In case of need he would not hesitate to use
his teeth to stop any aggressor even if the aggressor doesn't have any equipment on. PARD can be perfectly controlled, he has excellent traits for scent work and obedience. PARD is one of few dogs that willingly and happily work on all obstacles prescribed by Czech National Title Order (ZVV).
PARD has inherited the bone strength of his father and high energy level of his mother. PARD has natural active defence reaction balanced with strong prey drive. We expect PARD to produce progeny that can mainly be used at Law Enforcement.
- pedigree
- video
- video 1
- TART 2010
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - HELD v. Haus Elkemann - Axel v. d. Pelztierfarm -
MUTZ v.d.Pelztierfarm - Jonny v. d. Rheinhalle - Jupp v. d. Haller Farm - Canto v. Amicos - Fedo Quercus -
Zorro v. d. Wildsau - Baro v. Kreutzschauer Land - Quanto Jipo-Me - PARD z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Pardal z Jirkova dvora |
Titled:ZVV2, IPO3 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5QV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
PARDAL z Jirkova dvora
PARDAL z Jirkova dvora
PARDAL z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of PARDAL z Jirkova dvora
Pedigree of PARDAL z Jirkova dvora
Description of the dog
PARDAL is a typical son of his father ATILA z Kociciho dvora and therefore he belongs to the 3rd bloodline where he is geneticaly strenghtened via renowned dogs GRIM z PS and ILLO v.d. Abfuhr. From his dam's side we have to stress outstanding female DARKA z PS that was whole-life used
at z Pohranicni straze kennel and was by far the best daughter of her father GRIM z PS. PARDAL is fast, has happy performance and has great willingness to work for his handler. PARDAL has very good hunt drive, natural sharpness and alertness. His strongest point are his
tracking skills. At his IPO3 title judge evaluated his performance by 100 points. So far PARDAL has ZVV1 and IPO3 titles. We plan to do ZVV3 title by the end of 2011 We expect PARDAL to be an significant improver of devolving dark sable color, working abilities and strong health on his progeny.
At the time of writing this description (January 2011) the dog is still prepared for our working program. PARDAL still need to complete a show and breed survey to be fully breedable in the Czech Republic. He is going to take part in these events in spring 2011.
- pedigree
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: KLODO Boxberg - CURT v. Herzog Hedan - Odin vom Stolzenfels - Arno von der Schwabenheimat - Kuno von Alt Babenberg - Arno von der Bildhauergilde - Cito vom Coburger Land - Arras vom Adam-Riesezwinger - KLODO a.d. Eremitenklause - ARMIN Sultannschlucht
- ENNO vom Haus Schuöcker - CHULIGAN z Bozkovstejna - ARGO Agar - BEN z Bolfu - GRIM z Pohranicni straze - DARGO HA JA DA - ATILA z Kociciho dvora - PARDAL z Jirkova dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Bady ze Svobodneho dvora |
Titled:ZVV1, IPO3 |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5CV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
BADY ze Svobodneho dvora
BADY ze Svobodneho dvora
BADY ze Svobodneho dvora
BADY ze Svobodneho dvora
BADY ze Svobodneho dvora
BADY ze Svobodneho dvora
BADY ze Svobodneho dvora
BADY ze Svobodneho dvora
BADY ze Svobodneho dvora
BADY ze Svobodneho dvora
BADY ze Svobodneho dvora
BADY ze Svobodneho dvora
BADY ze Svobodneho dvora
Pedigree of BADY ze Svobodneho dvora
Pedigree of BADY ze Svobodneho dvora
- progeny:
Description of the dog
BADY belongs to the 5th sire's bloodline. From his dam side he belongs to the 3rd blood line. BADY is medium large strong male with good pigmentation and typical stud expression.
From his ancestors he inherited excellent working drive, hardness and he is easy to be pleased. BADY is dog with huge working potential and excellent health. BADY's important trait is that he is an excellent learner.
BADY is suitable to be used for breeding large females with good conformation to improve their working abilities.
- pedigree
- video
- video 1
- Roudnice 2010
- Trebic 2010
- Horin 2010
- CACIT 2011
- Obedience training
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Vito v. Waldwinkel - Bady ze Svobodneho dvora.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Charik Galan Nalag |
Titled:ZVV1, IPO3, SchH1 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5CV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
CHARIK Galan Nalag
CHARIK Galan Nalag
CHARIK Galan Nalag
CHARIK Galan Nalag
CHARIK Galan Nalag
CHARIK Galan Nalag
CHARIK Galan Nalag
CHARIK Galan Nalag
CHARIK Galan Nalag
Pedigree of CHARIK Galan Nalag
Pedigree of CHARIK Galan Nalag
- progeny:
Description of the dog
CHARIK Galan Nalag is a typical product of 5th blood line and mainly of it's world renown working branch that was founded by former DDR dog - INGO v. Rudingen. CHARIK was solidyfied in the 4th generation by in line breeding on excellent INGO's grand son Interchampion ORRY v. Haus Antverpa.
CHARIK proves his working origins with his results in competition fieldw here he achieved extraordinary results. He is a champion of qualification competitions for National IPO Championship, MCKNO Championship and he has competed in World WUSV competion.
The mother of CHARIK - BABETA Galan CS comes from significant B litter of very succesful working dogs (BALTAZAR, BUTAR) that were also very succesful sport dogs of their time. CHARIK has strong personality. He is reliable in work and has very strong and uncompromising protection
where he shows his genetical origin of hard bites on a decoy. CHARIK is suitable to be used for mating of the females of working character, where you need to strengthen nice sable color, imporove the personality of the progeny and strengthen the correct working drives.
ZVV1 - 98, 94, 97 - 289 excellen
IPO1 - 100, 92, 99 - 291 excellent
IPO2 - 98, 93, 96 - 287 excellent
IPO3 - 100, 95, 96 - 291 excellent
SchH1 - 100, 89, 98 - 289 excellent
Competitions :
2009 - 1st place - qualification for World Champ. WUSV
2009 - 16th place - German Shepherd National Championship
2010 - 1st place - qualification competition for World Champ. WUSV
2010 - 2nd place - qualification competition for World Champ. WUSV
2010 - 10th place - German Shepherd National Championship
2010 - Qualified for World Championship WUSV in Sevilla, Spain
2010 - 49th place - World Championship WUSV 2010-12-09
- pedigree
- video
- video 1
- video 2
- more pictures
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: Rolf v. Osnabrucker Land - Hardt von Bad Melle - Ali vom Granert - Muck aus der Volkerstamm - Bero von Krugers-Hof - Bill vom Fasanenhof - Quax vom Haus Holland - Ingo von Rudingen -
Robby vom Glockeneck - Verwin v. Blitsaerd - Orry v. Haus Antverpa - Qerry v. Haus Antverpa - Tom van't Leefdaalhof - Gringo v.d. Mohnwiese - Charik Galan Nalag.... Sire’s line in pictures |
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Chari z Esagilu |
Titled: ZVV2 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
CHARI z Esagilu
CHARI z Esagilu
CHARI z Esagilu
Pedigree of CHARI z Esagilu
Pedigree of CHARI z Esagilu
- progeny:
Description of the dog
CHARI is gorgeously conformed, compact in all aspects, strong sable stud dog. His virtue as far as his conformation is very strong shoulder and strong manubrium of the chest.
CHARI is very dominant stud dog that needs some time to get used to the new handler. CHARI is a dog for whom the strong contact with his handler is very important. He is a incorruptible dog.
CHARI is an excellent retriever and at the same time very strong protection dog. His protection work is absolutely confident and strong. His bites are always full and strong
CHARI belongs to the 2nd blood line from his sire's and dam's side. It is a well known working branch via FERO v. Zeuterner Himmelreich. His pedigree also contains whole range
of significant dogs like TOM z PS, CORDON An Sat, CAR z Kostoljanskej cesty, LIDO Jamirex, BERO v.d. Friedersdorfer Flur, HELD v. Ritterberg.
All these ancestors are guarantors of strong heritability of needed working abilities and drives.
CHARI is a proven stud dog. He has bred over 35 females. He appears as a significant improver of hip and elbow displasia. We expect CHARI to produce versatile working progeny and contribute significantly
to further strengthening of the health and confidence of our litters.
- pedigree
- video
- Policka 2010
Sire’s line pedigree: Founder: HETTEL Uckermark - Billo von Riedekenburg - Greif von der Peterstirn -
Arko Mutterlieb - Damm vom Oostal - Arno von der Friedhofsmauer - Damm vom Sandhügel - Nestor v. Wiegersfelsen - Immo v. Hassenfang -
Axel d. Deninghauser Heide - ALF v. Nordfelsen - Veus von der Starrenburg - Nico vom Haus Beck - Nanouc vom Bungalow - Boris vom Trogenbach -
Flori vom Berglein - Fero vom Zeuterner Himmelreich - Troll v.d. bosen Nachbarschaft - Aly vom Vordersteinwald - Sirk v. Belchen - Jaguar Aritar Bastet - CHARI z Esagilu.... Sire’s line in pictures
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Carly (Caro) Policia-Slovakia |
Titled:ZVV1, AD |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV5/55-N [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: A, DNA |
Links: img1
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Navar Hronovsky pramen (son of PLUTO z PS) |
Titled:ZVV3 |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: a Fast Normal, DNA |
Links: img1
video 1
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Atila z Kociciho dvora |
Titled:ZVV1 (96/90/94), IPO1 (93/85/92), IPO2 (93/83/91), IPO3 (91/80/89), VPG1 (97/91/91), VPG2 (94/84/87), ZPO1 (92/90) |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 2nd class 5CVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
video |
More: winter training
Usti 2008 Raspenava 2009 |
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Panter Aritar Bastet |
Titled: ZVV1, ZPO1 |
Show: vyborny |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0 |
Links: img1
video 1
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Pard Fihrak |
Titled:ZVV1 (90/96/97), IPO1 (96/91/95), IPO2 (82/95/93), VPG1 (96/93/90) |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0 |
Links: img1
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Piko Bret Bett (Rudi) |
Titled: ZVV3, IPO3, FH1, ZPS2, ZPO1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5VQ1/P |
Elbows,hips: a-Normal, DNA |
Links: img1
More: winter training progeny sample |
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Odin od Roubenky |
Titled: IPO1, SchH3 |
Show: vyborny |
Breed Survey: 1. class 5X1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Xant z Jirkova dvora |
Best ZVV3 protection of 2005 season. |
Titled: CAT, res. CACIT, ZVV3 (83/87/100), IPO3 (98/93/95), ZPO1 (88/90), ZPS1 (89/91) |
Show: vyborny |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JV1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
video |
More: winter training | national championship qualification |
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Mambo z Pohranicni straze |
Titled: ZVV3, OP1 (76,92), IPO3 |
Show: vyborny |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: a-Normal, DNA |
Links: img1
img8 description
pedigree |
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Gero Honajzer |
Titled: IPO3, ZVV1, SchH1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P |
Elbows,hips: 0/0 |
Links: img1
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Pluto z Pohranicni straze (son of CHULIGAN z PS) |
Titled: ZVV1 (88/79/92/), ZVV2 (93/89/96) |
Show: vyborny (excellent) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5Y1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1 img2 img3 img4 img5 description pedigree video |
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Furo Kamos |
Titled: ZVV1, ZPO1 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 2nd class 5DVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
video |
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Baltazar Galan |
Titled: IPO3, SchH3, ZVV1, ZPO1, Champion of Slovakia, Champion of Moravia and Silesia |
Show: velmi dobry (very good) |
Breed Survey: 2. class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
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Quanto Jipo-Me |
Titled: ZVV3, IPO3, ZZO, ZPU1, ZPO1, ZPS1 |
Show: vyborny |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JX1/N [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: a Fast Normal, DNA |
Links: img1
video |
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Lary Bret - Bett |
Titled: ZVV3 |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5Y1/N [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
pedigree |
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Illo von der Abfuhr |
Titled: SchH3, IPO3 |
Show: dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 4CI1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1
pedigree video |
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Beno z Oplovny |
Titled: IPO1 /94 91 98/, IPO2 /96 89 80/, IPO3 / 96 83 90/, SchH1 /98 82 86/, SchH2 /83 79 85 /, SchH3 /98 85 95/, ZM /50 49 49 /, ZVV1 /96 86 95/ |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5CV1/N [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0 |
Links: img1 img2 img3 description pedigree video |
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Balli Panta Rei |
Winner in Protection at 2003 Czech Republic National Competition |
Titled: IPO3 (88/84/98), ZVV3 (90,79,95), SchH3 (93/90/91), ZPS-1 (95/92 - 187 VD) |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5X1/P (4.27.02) [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1 img2 img3 description pedigree video |
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Dargo Ha-Ja-Da
Winner of 2001 International Stud Dog Show in Bratislava, Slovakia |
Titled: ZVV3 (94/92/93), SchH3 (98/92/91), IPO3 (88/89/94), ZPS-1(95/97 - 192) |
Show: velmi dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5CVQ1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: A-fast normal, DNA |
Links: img1 img2 img3 img4 img5 img6 img7 description pedigree video |
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Chuligan z Pohranicni straze |
Titled: ZVV1 |
Show: vyborny |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5Y1N [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0 |
Links: img1 img2 pedigree |
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Faro Policia |
Titled: SVV1 |
Show: vyborny |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JVQ5/55 [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0 |
Links: img1 img2 img3 img4 description pedigree |
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Gep z Pohranicni straze |
Titled: ZVV1, IPO1 |
Show: vyborny |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0 |
Links: img1 img2 img3 img4 description pedigree |
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Gero z Blatenskeho zamku |
Titled: ZVV3, SchH3, IPO3, FH, OP |
Show: vyborny |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5JVQ1/N [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0 |
Links: img1 img2 img3 img4 img5 img6 description pedigree |
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Norbo Ben-Ju
Winner of 2000 International Stud Dog Show in Bratislava, Slovakia |
Titled: ZVV1 (98/89/88), IPO3 (94/97/97), SchH3 (96/93/97) |
Show: dobry |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5KV5/55 [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA |
Links: img1 img2 img3 img4 img5 description pedigree video |
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Lery Naspo |
Titled: ZVV2, IPO3, SchH3 |
Show: vyborny |
Breed Survey: 1st class 5V1/P [Reference table] |
Elbows,hips: 0/0 |
Links: img1 img2 img3 img4 description pedigree |